(A)   Purpose. It is the intent of this section to permit functional vehicular access to private lots; maintain both pedestrian and vehicular safety and maneuverability; maintain the efficient use of city rights-of-way for multiple functions; and maintain and improve the overall aesthetic of city streetscapes.
   (B)   Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         "CURB CUT." That area between the curb of a street, or edge of the traveled portion of a street when no curb exists, and the right-of- way/ property line over which the city will permit vehicular travel from the traveled portion of a street to an individual property or off-street parking space(s). A physical break or cut of a curb may be necessary to create a drive access. For the purposes of this section, curb cut width shall be measured from the back of sidewalk or property line in straight lines perpendicular to the street or edge of curb, and shall not include the width of the apron curb radii at the edge of street. In all cases the total width of the apron shall be kept to a minimum amount necessary for turning when entering or exiting the street.
   (C)   Standards. Vehicular access to private properties shall be limited as follows:
      (1)   Curb cuts shall be installed no less than 20 feet from edge of pavement at any intersection.
      (2)   Curb cuts shall not be installed where there is less than 18 feet of usable space for maneuvering and/or parking vehicles between or within structures and the property line and/or sidewalks. If vehicles are being parked within structures less than 18 feet from the property line there shall be at least 18 feet between the structure opening and the edge of the curb/street for temporary maneuvering while accessing the structure. With the exception of areas approved for on- street parking, parked vehicles shall not be permitted to encroach into public rights-of-way. In no case shall curb cuts be installed where vehicles will be required to park on public sidewalks, landscaped areas or where they would otherwise interfere with pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
      (3)   Single curb cuts for any residential lot or for vehicular access to any individual lot or multi-family unit on a lot shall total no more than 18 feet in width continuously at any point, measured horizontally along the property line or along the front of each individual unit.
      (4)   Multiple curb cuts for a single lot or multi-family unit shall be separated by a minimum of 30 feet. Total combined length of curb cuts for any single residential lot or any individual multi-family unit shall total no more than 24 feet measured at the property line or no more than 50% of the total lot or unit frontage on public rights of way, whichever is less.
      (5)   When adjacent lots or units each have 45 feet or less of road frontage at the property line, curb cuts shall be installed adjacent to each other along adjoining side property lines for one continuous cut every two lots or units or otherwise side-by-side along side setback lines with minimal separation between them as is needed.
   (D)   Applicability.
      (1)   Divisions (C)(2) through (C)(5) shall apply only to public streets. Private alleys or drives shall be exempt from this requirement, but may be limited by other life safety regulations.
      (2)   Divisions (C)(3) through (C)(5) shall not apply to commercial development or to shared residential parking lots.
      (3)   This section shall not apply to pre-existing curb cuts for driveways, which may continue to be used and re-paved at their existing widths as needed.
      (4)   Nothing in this section shall otherwise regulate driveway dimensions, location or materials and design on private property.
   (E)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Large, single-family residential lots with over 200 feet of total road frontage may be granted additional curb cuts exceeding the aforementioned thresholds to the amount deemed necessary for adequate internal circulation when also adequately spaced to meet the intent of this section and not exceeding total width of 50% of the lot frontage.
      (2)   The Planning and Development Services Director, or his or her designee, may make exceptions when pre-existing site conditions require such exception on smaller residential lots or individual units. In such cases these exceptions shall be permissible to the minimum degree necessary to ensure typical levels of functionality and access to the lot and compliance with city code and life safety standards. Exceptions shall not be made due to other design preferences such as building design, placement or orientation of building features.
   DIAGRAM 92.124(1): Curb Cuts and Vehicular Access Requirements
(Ord. 22-17, passed 2-21-22)