Chapter 212: Stopping, Standing and Parking
General Provisions
   212-01   Unattended motor vehicles
   212-02   Presumption in reference to illegal parking
   212-03   Impounding of vehicles
   212-04   Towing; notice to police
   212-05   Parking so as to impede traffic
   212-06   Parking in, on or adjacent to median dividers
   212-07   Parking in alleys
   212-08   Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places
   212-09   Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district
   212-10   Parking for display or working on vehicle
   212-11   Parking trucks and trailers on residential streets
   212-12   Parking at roadside
   212-13   Parallel parking
   212-14   Angle parking
   212-15   Parking in driveway or private property
   212-16   Time limit
   212-17   Gasoline fuel trucks in residential area
   212-18   Parking on private property
   212-19   Parking in space reserved for handicapped persons
   212-20   Restricted parking; freight loading zone
   212-21   Restricted parking; passenger loading zone
Emergency Lanes and Loading Zones on Private Property
   212-30   Authorized
   212-31   Emergency lanes for new and renovated buildings
   212-32   Establishment and maintenance
   212-33   Color and content of marking of emergency lane
   212-34   Location and marking of emergency lane
   212-35   Signs, size and marking of loading zone
   212-36   Payment for signs and markings
   212-37   Enforcement
   212-38   Use by commercial vehicles and disabled occupants
   212-99   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   Authority of local officials to designate parking place, manner of parking, see A.R.S. § 28-874