Sec. 2-2.3516.   Fiscal Provisions.
   (a)   IHSS services shall not be reduced in order to fund the Public Authority or implementation of Government Code Sections 3500 et seq.
   (b)   To ensure that the Public Authority’s budget procedures and adoption are compatible with the County’s budget, the Public Authority Board shall adopt its budget under the same procedural laws, rules and policies that control the County budget process.
   (c)   The Public Authority Board shall not agree to or approve any collective bargaining or other agreement that requires an increase in wages or benefits unless there is a State or Federal match for such increases.
   (d)   The establishment and operation of the Public Authority or the application of Government Code Sections 3500 et seq., shall not result in payments from the County’s general fund beyond the County’s annual appropriation for the Public Authority, if any, which shall be an absolute limit on County cost.
   (e)   The maximum amount of County funds available in any given budget year for the Public Authority’s wage and benefit negotiations, if any, shall be set by the Board of Supervisors as part of the County’s annual budget as it may be amended from time to time. While the establishment of this figure shall not obligate the County, it shall serve as the absolute limit to County costs for any increases negotiated in collective bargaining taking place that fiscal year. The absolute cap on annual County spending on wage or benefits increases shall not be affected by any potential changes in State or Federal reimbursement rates.
   (f)   The total of all operating costs, wages, and benefits proposed or established by the Public Authority Board shall be consistent with the provisions of the County budget. The Public Authority Board shall not establish a payment rate, including costs of wages, benefits and operation, until the Public Authority Board determines that the funds necessary for the payment rate are legally available. The annual appropriation for the Public Authority, if any, contained in the County’s fiscal budget for any fiscal year shall be an absolute limit on County cost for that fiscal year. (§ 1, Ord. 1270, eff. September 27, 2001)