(a) “City Manager” means the City Manager of the City of Wyoming, or in the event of the City Manager’s absence, the administrative employee designated by the City Manager to act as the City Manager as set forth in Section 4.04
of the Charter.
(b) “City of Wyoming Disaster Plan” means the plan of operations developed by City officials to manage Emergency or Disaster situations as approved by the City Manager.
(c) “Disaster” means any natural or man-made calamity, which threatens or causes the loss of life and property and exceeds the routine capabilities of local government, including the City, health care, and community agencies, including, but not limited to, flood, major fire, tornado, severe storm, earthquake, hazardous material incidents, or explosion.
(d) “Emergency” means any clear or present danger to the health, safety, welfare or property of the residents of the City, including, but not limited to civil disturbance, riot, foreign or domestic terrorist attacks, or any event or occurrence that substantially impairs the effective functioning of the City’s government and the City’s ability to provide essential services and protest the lives and property of the residents of the City.
(Ord. 11-2002. Passed 6-17-02.)
In addition to other powers and duties under this Code and the Charter, the City Manager shall have the following powers and duties relating to Emergencies and Disasters:
(a) Maintain and approved City of Wyoming Disaster Plan that shall be reviewed and approved annually by the City Manager.
(b) (1) Upon the determination by the City Manager after consultation with the Police Department and the Emergency Services Department, declare an Emergency or Disaster. Such declaration shall not extend for a period in excess of thirty days without the approval of Council. The City Manager shall notify Council of a declaration of an Emergency or Disaster as soon as possible.
(2) City Council shall convene within fifteen days of a Declaration of an Emergency or Disaster.
(c) In the event of an Emergency or Disaster, the City Manager is further authorized to take any or all of the following actions:
(1) Implement and oversee the City of Wyoming Disaster Plan.
(2) Issue emergency orders to control and maintain the public peace, health, safety and welfare within the City including, but not limited to:
A. Orders to control or restrict traffic within the City.
B. Orders to restrict access to the City.
C. Orders to enforce curfews.
(3) Notify County, State and Federal Governments and Agencies of the declaration of an Emergency or Disaster.
(4) Contract with County, State and Federal Governments and Agencies for additional services and to provide disaster assistance and relief to residents of the City during the course of an Emergency or Disaster.
(5) Enter into contracts without advertising and bidding and without the prior approval of Council, such approval and authorization deemed to have been granted by this section, for such services or equipment as may be necessary to secure or repair public or private property within the City pursuant to Section 4.06
of the Charter. This authorization shall not extend for a period in excess of thirty days from the date of declaration of an Emergency or Disaster without the approval of Council. This authorization shall not exceed the amount of available funds in the City of Wyoming contingency fund plus an additional one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). The City Manager shall provide an accounting of expenditures to Council within sixty days of the declaration of an Emergency or Disaster.
(6) Take any other action necessary to assure the public health, safety and welfare, and property of the residents of the City and maintain essential service to City residents. (Ord. 11-2002. Passed 6-17-02.)