There is hereby established within the City of Wyoming an Urban Forestry and Beautification Commission which will serve to advise Council and assist the City Manager in implementing programs regarding the enhancement of public properties and rights of ways, and other property, and promoting urban forestry and beautification efforts, and revitalization efforts within the City of Wyoming.
(Ord. 23-2011. Passed 11-21-11.)
(a) The Urban Forestry and Beautification Commission shall be composed of eleven members, who shall be residents of the City. Nine of the members shall be chosen by a majority of the members of Council, with demonstrated interest in and knowledge of gardening, landscaping, conservation, forestry, and/or preservation of green areas being desirable qualifications. Of the remaining members to be chosen, one shall be a member of Council selected by the Mayor and one shall be a registered architect or landscape architect selected by the City Council.
(b) Members shall serve for terms of three years, except at the time of the initial appointment, one member shall serve for one year, three members shall serve for two years and three members shall serve for three years.
(c) In the event a vacancy occurs in the Commission by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, a successor shall be chosen by Council if a Council appointee and by the Mayor if a mayoral appointee and the person so appointed to fill the vacancy shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of the position.
(d) The members of the Commission shall serve at the discretion of Council and without pay. (Ord. 23-2011. Passed 11-21-11.)
(e) In the event of a planned absence of the appointed City Council representative, the City Manager shall designate another City Council member to serve in such absent City Council member's absence. Such substitute Council member shall have the same powers to act and vote on all matters coming before such Commission.
(Ord. 4-2014. Passed 2-17-14.)
The Urban Forestry and Beautification Commission shall:
(a) Make recommendations to Council, in the Commission’s best judgment, regarding the enhancement, beautification and revitalization of City-owned and other properties within the City.
(b) Make recommendations to Council regarding forestry policy and initiatives and assist the City Manager in implementing forestry programs within the City of Wyoming, including complying with the Tree City USA Standards of the Arbor Day Foundation to maintain the City’s Tree City USA designation.
(c) Make recommendations to Council and the City Manager for the Green areas Fund of the City of Wyoming, including the acquisition, planning, development, control, direction, supervision, administration and maintenance of green areas within the City of Wyoming as shown on the plat adopted by Ordinance 1697- 1982 and on file in the Municipal offices, and such other green areas as are received by the Trustee, pursuant to Chapter 157
(d) Consider other matters within its purpose as are referred to it by Council.
(e) Prepare and submit, annually, for the approval of Council, a budget of the estimated expenditure to be made during each calendar year in connection with the Commission. The Commission’s expenditures and obligations shall not substantially vary from the budget approved by Council.
(f) Make an annual report of the work of the Commission.
(Ord. 23-2011. Passed 11-21-11.)