There is hereby established an Environmental Stewardship Commission which shall consist of eight members who are residents of the City plus one member from Council which Commission shall have among its members, people with environmental/technical, business management, communication and marketing skills as follows:
(a) One member from Council appointed by Council shall serve a term co-extensive with such Council person’s term on Council;
(b) The existing members of the Solid Waste Commission shall continue their appointed terms of office as members of the Environmental Stewardship Commission and there shall be appointed by Council, two additional members who shall serve for initial three year periods.
(c) In the event of a planned absence of the appointed City Council representative, the City Manager shall designate another City Council member to serve in such absent City Council member’s absence. Such substitute Council member shall have the same powers to act and vote on all matters coming before such commission.
All subsequent appointments shall serve for two year terms.
(Ord. 16-2008. Passed 8-18-08; Ord. 4-2014. Passed 2-17-14.)
The powers and duties of the Environmental Stewardship Commission shall include the recommendation for adoption by Council; proposals to manage Wyoming’s Solid Waste/Recycling Programs; minimize environmental degradation due to existing and future developments; implement comprehensive environmental educational programs for people who live and work in Wyoming and provide counsel to the City of Wyoming on City policies and procedures that impact the environmental resources of Wyoming and such other duties as specifically requested by Council.
(Ord. 16-2008. Passed 8-18-08.)