1135.01 Zoning certificate required.
1135.02 Application for zoning certificate.
1135.03 Projects exempt from zoning certificates.
1135.04 Certificate of completion required.
1135.05 Application for certificate of completion.
1135.06 Certificate of occupancy required.
1135.07 Application for certificates of occupancy.
1135.08 Certificates of occupancy for nonconforming uses.
1135.09 Application for certificate; failure to obtain.
1135.10 Plats to accompany applications.
1135.11 Record of certificates.
1135.12 Fees.
1135.13 Enforcement.
1135.99 Penalty.
Building permit fees - see ADM. Ch. 105
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1177
(a) Unless otherwise exempted by Section 1135.03 of this Code, a Zoning Certificate shall be required before any building permit shall be issued under Part 13 of the Codified Ordinances or before any new building, accessory building, structure, deck, gazebo, fence, swimming pool, driveway, antenna, or other building or structure, alternative energy source, or geothermal heating/cooling system is constructed, installed, or placed on a lot, or before any existing building, structure, or improvement as hereinabove described is enlarged, expanded, replaced, or altered, or any permanent sign is erected or installed. The City Manager shall issue a Zoning Certificate if the work that is proposed to be performed on the subject property and if the use or occupancy proposed in conjunction therewith, is found to comply with the provisions of this Zoning Code, including any applicable development plan or development plan exemption.
(b) No person shall commence or proceed with any work regulated by the provisions of this Zoning Code without first obtaining a proper Zoning Certificate from the City Manager or the designee thereof, and paying the fees in accordance with the most current schedule of fees adopted by City Council.
(c) No Zoning Certificate, Certificate of Completion, or Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued until the prescribed fees have been paid to the City. Each Certificate shall show the owner's name, the location of the premises, the work involved, an estimate of the total amount of the work, and shall state that the proposed work complies with all applicable provisions of the Zoning Code.
(d) Where the work for which a certificate is required by this Code is started or proceeded with, prior to obtaining such certificate, the specified fees shall be doubled. Such fees shall be the fees for the entire project and the payment of such fees shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of the Zoning Code in the execution of the work, nor from any other penalty prescribed herein.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
Unless otherwise specified in the Zoning or Building Codes, an application for a Zoning Certificate shall be filed with the City Manager by the property owner or an authorized representative thereof which application shall be in the form and include the information required by the City Manager.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
Interior work, unless required by the Building Code, minor repairs to buildings and structures including re-roofing, new siding, windows, doors, gutters, heating and cooling equipment unless such heating and/or cooling equipment is located in the front yard, antenna with a surface area less than three square feet or less than five feet above grade or projecting less than five feet above the roof line of the building on which it is attached, swings and other playground equipment accessory to one, two, or three family dwellings, when such swing or playground equipment is located to the rear of the front building line, and other projects as determined by the City Manager shall not require a Zoning Certificate.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
A Certificate of Completion shall be required before any new building is occupied for any purpose or before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued pursuant to a project performed in accordance with a Zoning Certificate or Building Permit. Such Certificate of Completion shall be issued upon the determination of the Community Development Director that the construction of any new building, structure, addition, alteration, repair, or improvement requiring a Zoning Certificate or Building Permit is complete and that such work and use are in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning Code including any applicable development plan or development plan exemption.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
Unless otherwise specified in the Zoning or Building Codes, a separate application for a Certificate of Completion shall not be required for projects requiring Zoning Certificates or Building Permits. When required, applications for Certificates of Completion shall be in the form required and include the information required by the Community Development Director.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
A Certificate of Occupancy shall be required before the use of any land or building is changed, or before any new structure or building regulated by the Zoning Code or the Residential Building Codes is used or occupied for any purpose. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued by the City Manager's appointee after receiving a copy of the Certificate of Completion and after determining that the construction, use, change in use, and/or occupancy complies with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Residential Building Codes. If such change of use or occupancy occurs in conjunction with any work regulated by the provisions of the Residential Building Code, the Certificate of Occupancy shall state that the work has been completed in accordance with a duly issued permit under Chapter 1307 of the Codified Ordinances and complies with all applicable requirements of the Residential Building Code.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)