General Provisions
92.01 Protection of park property
92.02 Fees for electrical use of ball fields
92.03 Protection of trees and shrubbery
92.04 Rubbish
92.05 Interfering with animals and birds
92.06 Protection of grass
92.07 Selling goods
92.08 Children playing
92.09 Boulevards
92.10 Disorderly conduct
92.11 Animals
92.12 Parks open and close
92.13 Electricity
92.14 Enforcement
92.15 Use of city property (liability insurance)
92.16 Insurance requirement
92.17 Winner Youth Bass Pond; open and close
92.18 Swimming prohibited
Trees and Shrubs
92.30 Tree planting responsibility
92.31 Location of trees
92.32 Trimming tree branches
92.33 Dead or damaged trees and the pruning of trees
92.34 Interference of trees
92.99 Penalty