(A)   The city is herein responsible for tree planting in all city parks and established control of street tree planting on boulevards. Private planting of trees is not subject to city control but the city encourages desirable species and planting practices.
   (B)   No person shall plant or set out any tree or plant on a boulevard or in a public place without first procuring permission from the Council. The applicant shall state the number of trees or plants to be planted or set out; the location and variety of each tree or plant; and such other information as the city shall find reasonably necessary to a fair determination of whether permission shall be granted.
   (C)   The city shall grant permission for the planting of a tree or plant on a boulevard or in a public place when it is found that the proposed planting conforms with the area involved.
(Prior Code, § 10.02.01) (Ord. 533, passed - -; Ord. 731, passed - -) Penalty, see § 92.99