1-15-1: Purpose
1-15-2: Definitions
1-15-3: Creation Of Code Hearing Unit; Jurisdiction
1-15-4: Hearing Procedures Non-Exclusive
1-15-5: Code Hearing Unit
1-15-6: Ordinance Enforcement Administrator
1-15-7: Additional Duties Of Ordinance Enforcement Officer
1-15-8: Hearing Room Personnel
1-15-9: Compensation Of Code Hearing Unit Personnel
1-15-10: Complaints; Notices Of Hearings And Instituting Hearings
1-15-11: Administrative Hearing Procedures
1-15-12: Rules Of Evidence Shall Not Govern
1-15-13: Judicial Review
1-15-14: Enforcement Of Judgment
1-15-15: Procedures For Standing, Parking And Vehicle Compliance Violations
The stated purpose of this Chapter is to provide for the fair and efficient enforcement and expeditious resolution of municipal ordinance violations, as may be allowed by law and directed by this or any other ordinance, through the administrative adjudication of violations of Village ordinances and by establishing a schedule of fines and penalties, and authority and procedures for collection of unpaid fines and penalties. (Ord. 23-O-26, 12-18-2023)
As used in this Chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
BUILDING OWNER: | The legal, equitable, or beneficial owner of a structure. |
BUILDING INSPECTOR: | Any state, county, fire protection district or municipal employee or contracted inspector whose duties include the inspection or examination of structures in the Village to determine if building code property maintenance code or fire code or other adopted code violation exists. |
BUILDING CODE: | Any municipal ordinance, law, housing, or building codes or zoning ordinances that establishes construction, plumbing, heating, electrical, fire prevention, sanitation or other health and safety standards that are applicable to structures and property in the Village of Willowbrook or any Village ordinance that requires, after notice, the cutting of weeds, the removal of garbage and debris, the removal of inoperable motor vehicles, or the abatement of nuisances from private property. |
CODE VIOLATION: | Any infraction or violation of any Village of Willowbrook municipal ordinance, or violation of any building code, law or rule or code adopted by reference. |
CODE: | The Willowbrook Municipal Code of Ordinances; and all adopted codes, but excluding any offense under the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/1-100, et seq.) or a similar offense that is traffic regulating governing the movement of vehicles. The term code shall also include all traffic regulations concerning the standing, parking or condition of motor vehicles as set forth in Section 11-208.3 of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-208.3). |
HEARING OFFICER: | An attorney whose duty it is to: 1. Preside at an administrative hearing called to determine whether or not a building code or other code violation exists; 2. Hear testimony and accept evidence from all interested parties relevant to the existence of a building code violation or other code violation; 3. Preserve and authenticate the transcript and record of the hearing and all exhibits and evidence introduced at the hearing; and 4. Issue and sign written Findings, Decisions and Orders as to whether a Code violation exists. |
RESPONDENT: | Any person, corporation, partnership, whether such ownership is legal or equitable, charged with a violation of any ordinance of the Village of Willowbrook, or its Municipal Code of Ordinances, or any of its adopted codes. |
VILLAGE: | The Village of Willowbrook, DuPage County, Illinois. (Ord. 23-O-26, 12-18-2023) |
There is hereby created within the Village of Willowbrook an executive department of the municipal government to be known as the Code Hearing Unit, which is authorized to provide for and operate a "system of administrative adjudication," which shall be defined as the adjudication of any code violation or any other municipal ordinance violation of the Village of Willowbrook, including, but not limited to, those actions brought pursuant to the Municipal Code of the Village of Willowbrook, as well as the zoning ordinance (Unified Development Ordinance or UDO) and adopted codes such as the building code, fire code, plumbing code, electrical code, property maintenance code and health and sanitation codes of the Village of Willowbrook, standing, parking and condition of vehicle (compliance) violations brought pursuant to authority granted the Village by Section 11-208.3 of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-208.3) and hereby adopted, excluding only those proceedings not within the statutory authority granted to the Village, specifically any offense under the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/1-100, et seq.) or similar offense that is a traffic regulation governing the movement of vehicles, and any reportable offense under Section 6-204 of the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code shall not be subject to administrative adjudication pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 23-O-26, 12-18-2023)