1-10-1: Village Clerk
1-10-2: Clerk's Compensation
1-10-3: Deputy Village Clerk
1-10-4: Inspection Of Public Documents
There shall be elected a Village Clerk, who shall hold his or her office for four (4) years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. A person qualified to be elected to the Office of Village Clerk must: a) be a qualified elector of the Village, b) be a resident in the Village at least one year next preceding his or her election, c) not have been convicted of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury or other felony in any court in the United States and, d) not be in debt to the Village.
The Village Clerk is charged with the keeping of the Corporate Seal, the records and the accounts of the Municipality. As such, the Village Clerk is required to seal and attest to all Village contracts, licenses, permits and other documents as State Statute and Village ordinance shall require. The Village Clerk is required to attend all meetings of the Corporate Authorities including executive sessions and to keep an official record of those meeting proceedings in the form of written minutes. The Village Clerk shall record, in a book used exclusively for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the Corporate Authorities. Immediately following each ordinance the Village Clerk shall make a memorandum of the date of passage and of the publication of the ordinance in pamphlet form, his record and memorandum, or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the contents, passage and of the publication of such ordinances. The Village Clerk shall keep in his or her office, in books used solely for that purpose, a correct list of all the outstanding bonds of the Village, showing the number and amount of each and for and to whom the bonds were issued. When bonds are purchased, paid, or canceled, these bonds shall show these additional facts. The Village Clerk is responsible for the recordation of the following ordinances with the County Clerk: the Village's annual tax levy ordinance, its ordinances annexing property, its ordinances establishing special service areas and those of its ordinances which impose subdivision improvement recapture requirements.
The Village Clerk exercises supervision over the Deputy Clerk who may, on the Clerk's behalf, execute the powers and duties of the office in his or her absence. Documents so attested to or certified to by the Deputy Clerk under such a circumstance have the same legal effect as if they had been signed by the Village Clerk in person. All warrants drawn upon the Village Treasury must be signed by the Village Mayor and countersigned by the Village Clerk and state the particular fund and the appropriation to which the warrant is chargeable and the person to whom payable. No Village money shall be paid otherwise than upon such warrants so drawn except as otherwise provided by State Statute.
The Village Clerk is the Village's local election official. As such, the Village Clerk has the following responsibilities during the election process: receiving the nominating petitions of candidates for Village public office and the petitions of proponents of Village referenda; determining the order in which names appear on the Village ballot; notifying all candidates of their obligation to file statements of organization and of other campaign finance disclosure obligations; and, notifying all persons elected to Village office. The Village Clerk shall also notify all Village officers of the mandatory requirement that they file annual economic disclosure statements with his or her office in accordance with law. The Village Clerk shall be responsible for producing all such Village documents as are determined by the Village's FOIA Officer not to be exempt from disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. The Village Clerk shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all Village confidential documents memorializing the proceedings had in the Corporate Authorities' executive session proceedings. (Ord. 11-O-23, 12-12-2011)
   (A)   Compensation: Until the expiration of the incumbent Village Clerk's current term of office following the next general Municipal election in April 2013, both the incumbent Clerk and any person as may be subsequently elected or appointed to serve out the unexpired term of the said incumbent's current term of office shall continue to receive as compensation for the performance of his or her official duties a stipend in the amount of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each regularly or specially scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees or part thereof actually attended each month.
      Following the expiration of the incumbent Village Clerk's current term of office after the next general Municipal election in April 2013, all those persons thereafter sworn in as the elected or appointed Village Clerk shall receive as part time compensation for the performance of his or her duties the annual salary of seven thousand two hundred dollars ($7,200.00) payable in twelve (12) equal installments of six hundred dollars ($600.00).
      The payment of compensation to all those persons elected or appointed Village Clerk shall be in accordance with the provisions of both this section and that of 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3.1-50-5 prohibiting any increase or diminution in the compensation of an elected officer which takes effect during the officer's current term of office.
   (B)   Quadrennial Review: The Board of Trustees shall perform a recurrent review of the sufficiency of the compensation amounts fixed by this section every four (4) years subsequent to the date of said section's passage and approval but said Board may at those future times increase or diminish said amounts so fixed as of the said date only in accordance with the provisions of 65 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/3.1-50-10. (Ord. 12-O-14, 6-11-2012)