(A) Landscape screening must be provided in accordance with all applicable county ordinances.
(B) In cases where lots have frontage along both an interior street and another street (double-frontage) or abut a nonresidential use or zoning classification, a landscaped earthen berm or fence must be constructed to the following standards.
(1) Landscaping berms must be constructed with slopes not to exceed a three to one gradient, with side slopes designed and planted to prevent erosion and with a rounded surface a minimum of three feet in height and five feet in width at the highest point of the berm, extending the length of the berm. Berm slopes must be protected with sod, seed, shrubs or other form of natural ground cover.

(2) A detailed landscape/berm plan must be submitted to show that adequate vegetative plantings have been provided to create a screen.
(3) No screening may interfere with drainage patterns or intersection visibility requirements. See § 154.125(C).
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) A list of desirable tree and shrub species is contained in the Will County Developers’ Handbook.
(B) No more than 25% of the total number of trees or shrubs in any development may be of a single species provided in a development.
(C) Parkway and front yard trees must have a minimum trunk diameter of at least two and one-half inches measured six inches above ground level.
(D) Understory and/or ornamental trees must have a minimum trunk diameter of at least two inches measured six inches above ground level. Multi-stem or clump form understory trees with a minimum height of six feet may also be used.
(E) Evergreen and/or coniferous trees must be a minimum five feet in height.
(F) Broadleaf/deciduous shrubs must be at least three feet in height.
(G) Needle leaf/evergreen shrubs must have a minimum width of two feet.
(H) All fences must comply with § 154.172 of this chapter and § 8.5-7(f) of the County Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)
(A) All plant material must be planted in a manner that does not interfere with drainage patterns, overhead wires, utilities, street or sidewalk pavement.
(B) No trees or other landscaping may be located closer than ten feet to a fire hydrant or other above-ground utilities.
(C) No landscaping may interfere with intersection visibility requirements. See § 154.125(C).
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009)