(A) The office of Juvenile Services is created within the circuit court administration. This office shall be charged with the responsibility of developing a comprehensive program for the youth of this county with emphasis on prevention and rehabilitation.
(B) Staff positions shall be created for the following:
(1) Director;
(2) Administrative Officer; and
(3) Clerical.
(C) Line items shall be created for commodities, contractual and travel shall be commensurate with the positions.
(1980 Code, § 33.40) (Res. 81-169, adopted 9-24-1981)
(A) The scope and responsibility of the office of Juvenile Services shall include the following:
(1) Assess existing programs and resources;
(2) Coordinate existing programs and resources and make them more available to the Juvenile Court and the Probation Department;
(3) Encourage and develop community programs which are remedial;
(4) Investigate and recommend preventative measures;
(5) Recommend facilities needed in the county based on statistical data, mandates and trends in state law, and cost accountability;
(6) Research grants and moneys for assistance in funding of programs; and
(7) Formulate a long-range program for the office of Juvenile Services.
(B) The County Board Chairperson shall appoint a 12-member advisory committee of responsible and interested persons (with a County Officers Committee member as a liaison member) who shall assist in development and will ensure continued community support and interest, thus guaranteeing a realistic approach to the needs of this county’s youth.
(1980 Code, § 33.41) (Res. 81-169, adopted 9-24-1981)
(A) The County Board approves the creation of an Advisory Committee for the implementation of Senate Bill 172, “Location of Landfill Sites within the County”, to be comprised of nine County Board members, one from each County Board district.
(B) The Advisory Committee shall assist in studying the requests for landfill sites when applications are received from the Environmental Protection Agency, and if necessary, will hold public hearings to secure input from the citizens of the affected area.
(1980 Code, § 33.50) (Res. 81-232, adopted 12-17-1981; Res. 82-92, adopted 7-22-1982)
(A) The County Board approves the establishment of an Advisory Committee for the use of County Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Funds. The Advisory Committee shall be comprised of nine members, the Chairperson of the County Board to serve as Chairperson and to make recommendations to the County Board.
(B) The Advisory Committee shall assist in studying the proposed uses of these block grant funds, and after their evaluation the Committee shall conduct public hearings concerning those in the areas requesting grants of the entitlement funds.
(C) The Community Development Block Grant Advisory Board Bylaws, as attached to Resolution 93-174, adopted July 15, 1993, are herefore adopted by reference as if fully set forth herein. Once adopted, these bylaws shall supersede any other formal or informal bylaws or operating policies of the Advisory Board, that might exist.
(1980 Code, § 33.60) (Res. 81-233, adopted 12-17-1981; Res. 93-174, passed 7-15-1993)