132.01 Bowling and billiard hours
132.02 Fund raising and soliciting alms; permits and applications
132.03 Curfew for minors under 15
132.04 Disorderly conduct
132.05 Drainage ditches
132.06 False alarms
132.07 Gambling
132.08 Halloween visitations; trick or treat
132.09 Interference with pipes, drains, wiring and the like
132.10 Mask-wearing
132.11 Sound
132.12 Sanitation, health and public nuisances
132.13 Playing in public places
132.14 Property; real and personal
132.15 Prostitution; disorderly houses
132.16 Railroad tracks and property
132.17 Riots, routs and unlawful assemblies
132.18 Public transportation and taxis; solicitation and loafing