(A)   Disorderly conduct within the town is hereby prohibited.
   (B)   Any person who shall do or engage in any of the following shall be guilty of disorderly conduct:
      (1)   Any person who shall act in violent or tumultuous manner toward another whereby any person is placed in fear of safety of his or her life, limb or health;
      (2)   Any person who shall act in violent or tumultuous manner toward another whereby property of any person is placed in danger of being destroyed or damaged;
      (3)   Any person who shall endanger lawful pursuits of another by acts of violence, angry threats or abusive conduct;
      (4)   Any person who shall cause, provoke or engage in any fight, brawl or riotous conduct so as to endanger life, limb, health or property of another;
      (5)   Any person who shall assemble or congregate with another or others for purpose of causing, provoking or engaging in any fight or brawl;
      (6)   Any person who shall be found jostling or roughly crowding or pushing any person in any public place;
      (7)   Any person who shall be in a group or crowd for unlawful purposes, as defined by state law, this code or other ordinances;
      (8)   Any person who shall assemble or congregate with another or others for purpose or with intent to engage in gaining;
      (9)   Any person who shall frequent any public place with intent to obtain money from other persons by illegal and fraudulent schemes, tricks, artifices or devices;
      (10)   Any person who assembles with others for the purpose of engaging in any fraudulent scheme, device or trick to obtain any valuable thing in any place or from any person in the town, or who shall aid or abet therein;
      (11)   Any male person who shall accost or attempt to force his company upon any female person or attempts to pick up any female person;
      (12)   Any person who frequents any place where gaming or illegal sale or possession of alcoholic beverages or narcotics or dangerous drugs is practiced, allowed or tolerated;
      (13)   Any person who shall use language reasonably calculated to incite violence, directed towards any person who becomes outraged and thus creates turmoil;
      (14)   Any person who shall assemble with another for the purpose of trouncing upon another;
      (15)   Any person who shall by acts of violence interfere with another’s pursuit of a lawful occupation; and/or
      (16)   Any person who shall congregate with another or others in or on any public way so as to halt the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic and refuses to clear public way when ordered by town police or other lawful authority.
(Prior Code, § 12-12) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
   Disorderly conduct generally, see G.S. § 14-288.4
   Disorderly conduct in or near public buildings, see G.S. § 14-132
   Disturbing picnics, meetings and the like, see G.S. § 14-288.4
   Disturbing religious congregations, see G.S. § 14-288.4
   Disturbing schools and the like, see G.S. § 14-288.3