Adequate treatment or buffering of negative aspects of buildings (loading docks, garbage dumpsters and HVAC mechanical units) from any public street and adjoining properties shall be required. Buildings shall not be located and designed to expose loading docks or doors, loading areas or the rear of the buildings to public streets.
All development within the Wistful Vista PUD shall comply with the buffering provisions of the buffer ordinance of the city code. In situations where this PUD specifies the provision of a buffer park easement, the building setbacks shall be measured from the easement line. In situations where this PUD specifies the provision of a buffer park, the buffer may be included in the setback.
No outside storage of materials or displays of merchandise shall be permitted. Outdoor displays and sales will be limited only to those which have been approved through the temporary use permit or special event process. Outdoor dining areas shall be prohibited unless approved as part of a site plan or permitted conditional use permit application.
Buffer park areas are intended to screen and buffer negative elements of a site through the use of berming and landscaping. Typically, if storm water detention areas are proposed to be located within buffer park areas, the intent of the buffer park is diminished because the berming and landscaping are limited by the detention location. Therefore, dry detention areas shall only be allowed in the buffer park if the berming in that immediate area still can be accommodated and meet the intent of the buffer park and wet detention areas will be enhanced with wetland plantings and edging treatments to create a focal point or aesthetic enhancement. (Ord. 1548, 9-29-2003)