In addition to the general conditions as stated in sections above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the areas designated on the Tallyn's Reach PUD map on file in the city. The PUD map document, which is made a part of this rezoning action, delineates parcels of the PUD as A through M. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to each of the following development parcels:
A. Parcels A And B: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for professional commerce park shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcels A and B as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Allowed Uses: Uses allowed within parcels A and B shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of the city code for all uses allowed within the professional commerce park (PCP) pursuant to title 9 of the city code. The following uses are not permitted:
SIC 58 | Drinking places. |
SIC 701 | Hotel and motels. |
Only one sit down restaurant (SIC 5812) and a total of one bank with drive-through (SIC 60) may be located within parcel A, B or C. Restaurant shall be no larger than six thousand three hundred (6,300) square feet. Bank shall be no larger than four thousand nine hundred (4,900) square feet.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than one hundred twenty four thousand two hundred (124,200) square feet of office uses and 13.19 acres shall be permitted within parcels A and B.
B. Parcel C: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for Neighborhood Commercial (NC) shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel C as shown on the PUD map of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Allowed Uses: Uses allowed within parcel C shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of the city code for all uses allowed within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) pursuant to title 9 of the city code. A total of one sit down restaurant (SIC 5812) and only one bank with drive-through (SIC 60) may be located within parcel A, B or C. Restaurant shall be no larger than six thousand three hundred (6,300) square feet. Bank shall be no larger than four thousand nine hundred (4,900) square feet.
Uses within two hundred feet (200') of the east boundary of parcel C that have noise or lighting components that could be disruptive to the adjacent residential as determined by the City may have requirements placed on operations or be prohibited.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than forty three thousand three hundred (43,300) square feet of commercial uses and 5.61 acres shall be permitted within parcel C.
3. Character: In addition to the architecture requirements found within the language of this PUD, it is intended that this development is small in nature, have a pedestrian scale and be designed so that it directly relates to the Tallyn's Reach development and not intersection of Mills Civic and S 88th Street.
4. Driveway Access: This parcel is required to provide street or private driveway access for all development within the parcel. During the review of the site plan within the parcel, it shall be determined how that connection is provided.
C. Parcel D: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential high- density (RH) shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel D as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Driveway Access: This parcel is required to provide street or private driveway access to the adjoining properties along 88th at the time of development. During the review of the site plan, it shall be determined how that connection is provided.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than one hundred eighty (180) units and 13.42 acres shall be permitted.
D. Parcel E; Wesley Retirement Community: The intended user of this parcel is Wesley Retirement Village. The concept of this development is a continuing care retirement community which offers a full continuum of elderly services and residential options which includes independent living apartments or cottages, independent living common areas, assisted living residential units, assisted living common areas, dementia or memory support living units and skilled nursing beds. These units are for those members of our community over fifty five (55) years of age. The conceptual development of the site is noted on the PUD map and intends for apartments, townhomes and service retail organized around a pond. To accommodate for the intended uses, all general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential medium-density (RM) shall apply to any development proposal within parcel E.
1. Allowed Uses: Uses allowed within parcel E shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of the city code for all uses allowed within the residential medium-density pursuant to title 9 of the city code and the following uses which are permitted:
SIC 5812 | Eating places, sit down. |
SIC 724 | Barbershops. |
SIC 7299 | Massage parlor. |
In the event that the Wesley Retirement Community does not develop, no ancillary commercial or office shall be permitted.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than thirteen thousand (13,000) square feet of ancillary retail and seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet of ancillary office shall be permitted. Residential unit allowances shall adhere to the approved traffic study.
E. Parcel F: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential medium- density shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel F as shown on the PUD sketch plan of the Tallyn's Reach PUD, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Allowed Development Size: No more than ninety four (94) units and 23.3 acres shall be permitted.
2. Building Separation: The required building separation may be reduced, subject to city council approval at the time of site plan and preliminary plat, as follows:
a. A fourteen foot (14') minimum separation between biattached units is applicable for building side yards at conditions where neither opposing unit has outdoor living spaces on the building side that determines the separation requirements.
b. The applicant will need to comply with all other required standards as noted in the setback and bulk density regulations in the city's zoning ordinance in addition to any building code separation requirement in effect at the time of site plan submittal.
3. Garage Setback/Driveway Length: The distance between the opening of the garage and pedestrian pathway or curb shall be consistent with the following:
a. A distance of twenty five feet (25') or greater, measured perpendicularly from the garage opening to the closest point of the sidewalk or back of curb of the intersecting private street or drive, whichever is more restrictive; or
b. A distance of ten feet (10') or less, measured perpendicularly from the garage opening to the closest point of the back of curb of the intersecting private street or drive.
Garages set back within a range of distance of ten (10) and twenty five feet (25') from the sidewalk or back of curb shall not be permitted due to concerns that vehicles parked in front of a garage setback within this range of distance may block or obstruct safe vehicle or pedestrian movement on the private street/drive or sidewalk. Garages shall be set back no less than twenty five feet (25') from the right of way line of a public street.
If garages are not set back sufficiently to allow for the parking of a vehicle in front of the garage, multiple garage spaces or additional parking spaces will need to be provided within the site to provide, at a minimum, the required number of parking spaces per dwelling unit based on the number of bedrooms as identified in section 9-15-7 of the city code.
F. Parcel G; Residential Medium-Density: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential medium-density (RM-12) shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel G as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Setbacks: Building setbacks and separation shall abide by city code with the exception that should this property develop with urban row houses or townhomes, the setback and separation may be reduced as follows, subject to city council approval at the time of site plan and preliminary plat, unless otherwise required by building and/or fire codes:
a. Fifteen foot (15') front yard. Front porches, stoops and balconies may extend into the front yard setback, yet may be no closer than ten feet (10') to the front property line.
b. A minimum five foot (5') side and rear yard setback as measured from the lot line to the closest building element, including, but not limited to, decks, patios, etc., shall be provided.
(1) "Row houses" shall be defined as a series of one and one- half-, two- or three-story units attached in a row by no more than two (2) common walls where a front porch or front stoop faces the public street or public green space.
(2) "Townhomes" shall be defined as dwelling units which are attached horizontally, and not vertically to one or more other dwelling.
c. The applicant will need to comply with all other required standards as noted in the setback and bulk density regulations in the city's zoning ordinance in addition to any building code separation requirement in effect at the time of site plan submittal.
2. Garage Setback/Driveway Length: The distance between the opening of the garage and pedestrian pathway or curb shall be consistent with the following:
a. A distance of twenty five feet (25') or greater, measured perpendicularly from the garage opening to the closest point of the sidewalk or back of curb of the intersecting private street or drive, whichever is more restrictive; or
b. A distance of ten feet (10') or less, measured perpendicularly from the garage opening to the closest point of the back of curb of the intersecting private street or drive.
Garages set back within a range of distance of ten (10) and twenty five feet (25') from the sidewalk or back of curb shall not be permitted due to concerns that vehicles parked in front of a garage set back within this range of distance may block or obstruct safe vehicle or pedestrian movement on the private street/drive or sidewalk. Garages shall be set back no less than twenty five feet (25') from the right of way line of a public street.
If garages are not set back sufficiently to allow for the parking of a vehicle in front of the garage, multiple garage spaces or additional parking spaces will need to be provided within the site to provide, at a minimum, the required number of parking spaces per dwelling unit based on the number of bedrooms as identified in section 9-15-7 of the city code.
3. Allowed Development Size: No more than two hundred eighty-six (286) units within 44.33 acres shall be permitted.
G. Parcel H: There is no parcel H.
H. Parcel I: There is no Parcel I.
I. Parcel J; Single-Family: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential single-family with a minimum of five thousand (5,000) square foot lots (RS-5) shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel J as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Setbacks: Setbacks for all single-family shall be:
a. Twenty five foot (25') minimum and thirty five foot (35') maximum front yard.
b. Thirty five foot (35') rear yard except for those lots along Booneville Road and Cascade Avenue, which may have a twenty five foot (25') rear yard as measured from the interior line of any required buffer park.
c. Five foot (5') side yard as measured to the overhang.
d. Front porches, stoops and balconies may extend into the front yard setback, yet may be no closer than fifteen feet (15') to the front property line.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than three hundred sixty (360) single-family residential dwellings within one hundred and ten and a half (110.5) acres shall be permitted.
J. Parcels K And L; Greenbelt And Park: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for open space (OS) shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcels K and L as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance.
1. The owner/developer shall reserve for dedication to the city that ground designated as parcels K and L as shown on the sketch plan, on file in the city and made part hereof, for active park and open space use at no cost to the city of West Des Moines. The developer will also need to dedicate public access lots within adjoining parcels, at locations acceptable to the city, to provide locations for pedestrian connections to the park site with the platting of adjoining parcels. Said area shall be platted and dedicated to the city free of any liens, encumbrances, and assessments with the platting of any portion of parcel J. The developer will be responsible for the grading and seeding of parcel L and any disturbed areas along parcel K prior to official dedication and installed per city specifications and approval. The abutting improvements will be installed by the developer at the same time as those in parcel J. All land for street right of way and all street, sidewalk, water, storm, sanitary sewer improvements, including sanitary, storm sewer, and water stubs at the property line, abutting parcel L shall be provided by the developer to the city at no cost to the city.
K. Parcel M; Single-Family: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, "Zoning", of the city code for residential single-family (RS-5), a minimum five thousand (5,000) square foot lots shall apply to any development proposal for property within parcel M as shown on the PUD plan of the Tallyn's Reach ordinance, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
1. Setbacks: Setbacks for all single-family shall be:
a. Twenty five (25) minimum and thirty five (35) maximum foot front yard.
b. Thirty five foot (35') rear yard except for those lots along Stagecoach Road, which may have a twenty five foot (25') rear yard.
c. Five foot (5') side yard as measured to the overhang.
d. Front porches, stoops and balconies may extend into the front yard setback, yet may be no closer than fifteen feet (15') to the front property line.
2. Allowed Development Size: No more than sixty nine (69) units of single-family residential within 17.88 acres shall be permitted.
(Ord. 2047, 7-28-2014; amd. Ord. 2089, 4-20-2015; Ord. 2130, 12-14-2015; Ord. 2421, 7-6-2020; Ord. 2426, 8-3-2020
; Ord. 2491, 10-4-2021