The regulations and provisions set forth in title 9 of the city code for signs shall be met unless otherwise noted in this ordinance.
A. Parcel I: All tenants' signage for buildings within parcel I shall be calculated as follows:
1. For ground floor or single-story tenants, a one to one (1:1) ratio of the tenant's longest exterior leasable linear frontage to a street.
2. Those tenants located on the second or higher floors, a ratio of one-half to one (1/2:1) the linear footage.
3. Those tenants with multiple street frontages shall be allowed, in addition to the primary leased frontage calculation, to use one other leased exterior frontage for additional sign square footage using a ratio of one-half to one (1/2:1).
4. The total square footage shall be divided, at the tenant's discretion, between any type and location of building signage allowed by the city code or this ordinance. Unless noted below, signage shall conform to the sign codes:
a. Lettering on window and doors may not exceed four inches (4") in height.
5. Building signage shall respect the residential tenants of surrounding parcels by minimizing light pollution into residential spaces.
6. Wall signage shall be located on the tenant space for which they identify, i.e., first floor tenants shall not place wall signage on second or third floor walls.
B. Parcel E; Wesley Signage:
1. Landscape or monument signs may be located and sized in accordance with the city code.
2. It is the intent of the commercial uses within the Wesley complex to draw those patrons from the Wesley complex and the adjoining active adult townhouse development, not from the entire Tallyn's Reach or surrounding developments. Therefore, it is intended that they have limited signage. Commercial uses may have window signage and small pedestrian projection signs as follows:
a. Window signage shall be no greater than eight inches (8") and may not be illuminated.
b. Pedestrian projection signs shall be allowed as a small, pedestrian oriented sign of less than six (6) square feet that projects perpendicular from a structure. Signage shall have a maximum of five inch (5") letter size. Projection signs may not be internally illuminated.
c. All other types of building signage which displays the tenant name or logo are prohibited.
C. Real Estate Marketing Signs:
1. Real estate marketing signs of no larger than sixty four (64) square feet may be placed on a temporary basis at Mills Civic Parkway, South 88th Street and along Booneville Road may be permitted. No more than four (4) signs per frontage may be allowed. Signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the ultimate street right of way. Signs may be lit from an external lighting source provided the light shines directly onto the sign to minimize light pollution. Signs may remain for up to five (5) years from the recordation of the final plat.
2. Flags displaying Regency Homes or Tallyn's Reach may be placed at the entrance to the development along Mills Civic Parkway and 88th Street. No more than one flag may be allowed per entrance. The flag may be no larger than twenty four (24) square feet and the pole no higher than twenty five feet (25'). Flags must be set back from the right of way equal to the pole height.
D. Character: All signage constructed within the Tallyn's Reach PUD shall incorporate aesthetic features compatible with the overall character of the development. All signs shall be composed of self-contained individual letters with anodized aluminum returns and trim or solid routed faced metal panels. (Ord. 2047, 7-28-2014)