The following plans shall be required as a part of the processing of any development application for any property within the Tallyn's Reach PUD.
A. Platting: Prior to, or in conjunction with development or transfer of ownership of any portion of the PUD, said area shall be platted in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance to delineate within a plat the parcel to be developed or sold separately or any portion thereof. Lots without public street frontage, in accordance with the city code requirements, may be allowed provided the frontage requirements of the code have been met by an abutting or surrounding lot which is under common ownership under an owners' association with all properties within the master development plan being part of the association, or there have been cross parking and access easements executed which provide for the unrestricted use and access of the drives and parking for all owners within the association. Outlots are not buildable. No building permit may be issued until the final plat is recorded.
B. Development Applications: Site plans for parcels within the Tallyn's Reach PUD must meet the intent of the approved planned unit development plan and shall be submitted to the city of West Des Moines for review and approval prior to the development of any portion of the property within the PUD.
C. PUD Map: On file in the city is the Tallyn's Reach PUD map detailing the location, size, use and density of each PUD parcel. The following changes to the PUD map on file in the city will require an amendment to the PUD approved by the city council:
1. Additional square footage, acres or use that results in additional A.M. and P.M. peak and ADT trip generation that is not noted in the traffic study. However, on parcels A, B, C, E and I the specific allowed square footages of each use listed may be modified subject to city review and approval of an amendment to the approved traffic study, with the exception of the square footages listed for restaurants and bank uses of parcels A, B, and C.
2. A significant change from the approved traffic report in the layout of access points or street layout as determined by community development director.
3. Where the PUD map and PUD language conflict, the language shall prevail. (Ord. 2047, 7-28-2014)