Corrected Micheal's Landing plat 1, an official plat in book 2007, page 3042 at the Dallas County recorder's office, city of West Des Moines, Dallas County, Iowa. Property containing 344.51 acres more or less
Parcel 'A' of SE1/4 NE1/4 and SW1/4 NE1/4 of section 22, township 78 north range 26 west of the fifth principal meridian as shown on the plat of survey recorded in book 777, page 912, as recorded at Dallas County, Iowa. Property containing 12.00 acres more or less
The north 1010.00 feet of the east 1087.00 feet of the northeast quarter of section 22, township 78 north, range 26 west of the 5th P.M., Dallas County, Iowa; except the acquisition plat recorded in book 2008, page 5204 subject to any and all easements, restrictions and covenants of record.
(Ord. 2130, 12-14-2015)