A. Buffer Parks And Streetscapes: Traditional buffer parks required by the city code shall not be required for this development with the exception of along the east property line where a thirty foot (30') buffer park shall be required. Landscaping for the buffer park shall be per city code requirements. In lieu of buffer parks, along all public streets, streetscape landscaping shall be provided within the first fifteen feet (15') parallel to the roadways/travelways.
1. The streetscape landscaping is intended to provide a constant design treatment that enhances the travelways. A conceptual streetscape street tree plan shall be illustrated as part of the specific plan. Details regarding final vegetation location and varieties of trees and shrubs to be implemented shall be evaluated and approved as part of the site plan process. Buildings or pedestrian elements such as patios, walkways or design elements, may intermittently encroach into the landscaped area, however parking lots may not. The plantings shall be installed with the development of each site plan. Landscaping standards are as follows:
a. To calculate the number of required plants, divide the total linear feet of street frontage by thirty five (35). For every thirty five feet (35') of frontage, one tree and three (3) shrubs shall be required. Trees may include both deciduous and evergreen. The landscaping may be arranged in natural plantings/massing, in a linear pattern or a combination thereof. The incorporation of retaining walls into the streetscape plan is permissible during the review of the site plan.
b. Shrubs may be substituted for perennials at a rate of three (3) shrubs being equal to a solid perennial planting area of twenty (20) square feet with perennials spaced twelve inches (12") on center or less unless it is determined by the director of development services that another spacing provides the same appearance in massing. No more than twenty five percent (25%) of the shrubs may be substituted for perennials.
c. Alternative concepts that meet the intent of streetscape landscaping may be allowed at the discretion of the director of development services.
2. An articulated three foot (3') or higher berm shall be required for areas adjoining an off street parking lot. The berm may be an earthen berm or landscape walls. Landscape walls must adhere to the following provisions:
a. Walls constructed for the retaining of soil which are greater than four feet (4') in height must be designed by an individual knowledgeable and certified in structural engineering.
b. Walls over four feet (4') shall have one and one-half feet (11/2') of horizontal terraces for every two feet (2') of exposed vertical wall face. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the director of development services for unusual situations and to preserve existing vegetation or landscape features.
c. Walls may be brick, individual decorative modular wall stone, or natural stacked wall or field stone. Walls composed of landscape timbers or other wood products are not desired due to the deterioration potential of the material. Wood walls or other material may be used, with approval by the director of development services, in areas where views of the wall will be minimal.
d. Vegetation shall be planted along all types of walls to soften the visual impact, visually break up long expanses of the wall and to visually anchor it to the site.
3. Ponds, lakes, wetlands or other water features may be placed within the streetscape landscaping given that a water feature, such as a fountain and/or significant wetland plantings and edge treatments are provided. Dry detention areas are not generally allowed in buffer parks however if it is determined by the director of development services that the intent of the buffer park is met, a portion of the dry detention may encroach into the buffer.
B. Site Landscaping: Due to the limited opportunities for the incorporation of coniferous vegetation within the overall site, the provision of thirty five percent (35%) coniferous vegetation as required in subsection 9-19-8B6 of the city code shall not apply to this development. The applicant shall however incorporate evergreen material to the greatest extent possible in order to provide visual variety, winter interest, assist in mitigating negative elements of development such as utility equipment and community trash receptacles and to provide separation of private resident spaces from one another and adjoining roadways. (Ord. 1854, 1-11-2010)