Architectural design of the buildings shall attempt to express a creative presentation of exterior building materials, exterior details and texture, treatment of windows and doors, use of angles, and multiplicity of planes within the wall and roof design. The buildings should work together to provide a unifying theme through the development and the Davis Estates area development plan as a whole. Buildings and garages should have a variety of materials such as brick, natural stone, etc., which present a variation of architectural styles or elements and overall provides visual interest. Architecture of the buildings should be as generally shown in the Bella South specific plan concepts package (see exhibit C on file in the city). After approval by the plan and zoning commission and city council, slight modifications to the exterior appearance of the buildings may be allowed with the approval of the director of community development.
A. Garages visible from the public streets shall incorporate enhanced architectural roof elements to provide visual interest and attempt to disguise the purpose of the building.
B. Balconies are required for at least eighty percent (80%) of the units of at least five feet (5') deep, which may extend beyond the front setback, yet may be no closer than fifteen feet (15') to the front property line. (Ord. 1635, 6-6-2005)