A master pedestrian circulation plan shall be prepared and submitted with any development proposal for any parcel within the PUD providing internal access connections to minimize pedestrian conflicts with traffic movements to areas within the PUD as well as providing access to public facilities, i.e., parks, schools, etc. Pedestrian walkways and bike trails within the PUD shall form an on site circulation system that minimizes the conflict between pedestrians/bikes and vehicular traffic. The relationship between the proposed single-family residential, the multi-family residential, and the commercial uses within the PUD will be organized so as to promote pedestrian travel and access within the various land uses within the PUD and to the adjoining public facilities within the public park and the elementary school located on the northern portion of the PUD.
There shall also be a forty five foot (45') greenbelt/landscape buffer required along the west side of 92nd Street and the south side of Westown Parkway that will be designated as outlots to be owned and maintained by the property owners' association. The developer shall be responsible for the costs of landscaping and its installation in the landscape buffer area. A thirty foot (30') easement will be granted to the city within the outlots for the purpose of installation and maintenance of a ten foot (10') public trail along 92nd Street and Westown Parkway. The trail shall be designed by the developer in consultation with the city's park and recreation department. The costs of the trail's installation shall be shared between the developer and the city, with forty percent (40%) of the costs being the developer's responsibility and sixty percent (60%) being the responsibility of the city. The trail shall be constructed with a minimum of five inches (5") of PCC concrete or six inches (6") of ACC asphalt.
No fences shall be allowed to be constructed within the forty five foot (45') designated outlot.
Thirty feet (30') of the required forty five foot (45') greenbelt/buffer will be allowed to be counted toward the greenbelt requirements for the entire PUD per the park land dedication ordinance. (Ord. 1610, 10-25-2004)