The cost of installing traffic signals as required pursuant to the policies of the city shall be divided into the prorated requirements as follows:
A. S. 64th Street and Coachlight Drive: As part of this project, applicant is responsible for installation to a five (5) lane cross section on all legs.
B. S. 64th Street and Wistful Vista Drive: To be installed by the city when deemed necessary based on warrants. Full cost will be assessed by the city per agreement and waiver.
C. S. 60th Street and Wistful Vista Drive: Executing an agreement and waiver for the proportionate share of the traffic signals based on the final traffic study's traffic volume located at the intersection of S. 60th Street and Wistful Vista Drive. The installation of this signal shall be deferred until traffic warrants as determined by the city.
D. S. 60th Street and Coachlight: Executing an agreement and waiver for one-half (1/2) the cost of the traffic signals located at the intersection of S. 60th Street and Coachlight Drive. The installation of this signal shall be deferred until traffic warrants as determined by the city.
E. S. 68th Street and Wistful Vista Drive: As part of this project, applicant is responsible for installation of a signal head for the second southbound to eastbound dual left turn.
F. S. 68th Street and Coachlight Vista Drive: As part of this project, applicant is responsible for installation of a signal head for the second southbound to eastbound dual left turn. (Ord. 1738, 3-26-2007)