The overall landscape of the Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus will consist of native and nonnative overstory, understory, shrub, and perennial plantings forming a parklike setting. Grasses and flowers, including a low maintenance turf, will be utilized to reflect Iowa's landscape heritage as well as reduce the amount of turf maintenance on site. Rock or similar inorganic type mulch shall not be considered an acceptable ground cover. Landscape standards will comply with the West Des Moines zoning ordinance for the professional commerce park (PCP) district unless otherwise herein modified. See exhibit B on file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor.
A. Central Park Space: This central open space will be made up of large brush strokes of plant material massing, providing vistas to the south view of the Raccoon River Valley. Walking trails will connect pedestrians within the space. Plantings will generally be informal in nature and of varying sizes.
B. Loop Road: The landscape that abuts the loop road will be informal in nature, consisting of a variety of overstory and understory plantings with the objective of creating a parkway feel.
C. Parking Lots: The parking lot plantings are designed to break up the size of the parking lots and to provide reduced maintenance. Large bioswales will be utilized to carry stormwater runoff from the parking lots and will contain plant material that will provide color and shade. The smaller parking lot islands will also support overstory trees and shrubs with little to no turf grass.
D. Edge Of Campus: As the Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus abuts adjacent public streets, the landscape will buffer views to the parking lots in an informal, parklike manner. The only formal aspect of the edge landscape will occur at the main entrance to the campus. (Ord. 1589, 8-2-2004)