Requirements for all parcels within the Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus:
A. Development Agreement: In addition to the requirements and guidelines found within this ordinance, the development of this site must also comply with the requirements and guidelines found within the development agreement. Should a conflict arise between the development agreement and this specific plan ordinance, the requirements or guidelines found within the development agreement shall prevail.
B. Pedestrian Connections: Pedestrians on the Wells Fargo Campus will have various opportunities to explore the site or find access off site. Within the adjacent street right of way, the site will be completely ringed by a ten foot (10') wide public pedestrian trail. Private sidewalk connections to this trail shall be provided periodically along S. Jordan Creek Parkway, Mills Civic Parkway, S. 68th Street, and Stagecoach Drive. Internal to the site, a five foot (5') wide path will parallel the loop road, which will connect to the central park path system. The pathways shall meander throughout the landscape and topography, providing ADA compliant access to the various areas of the campus. See exhibit B on file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor.
C. Plaza Area: An outdoor dining area, called the dinning court/terrace, will be located within the central park space near the center of the campus. The dinning court/terrace will include a secured space made up of a water feature, outdoor seating, pavement treatment, pedestrian lighting, and other features that may be determined to be in concert with the intent of the area during site plan review. See exhibit B on file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor.
D. Screening: Loading docks, trash containers, storage areas, and other service areas shall be integrated into the overall architecture of the site and be fully enclosed or effectively screened from view through a combination of walls, landscaping, and berming. All mechanical and electrical equipment, transformers, HVAC equipment, satellite dishes, and antennas shall be incorporated into the design of the building through the use of parapets, screening walls, or other acceptable solutions as identified during the review of the site plan. Screening materials shall be consistent with that used on the primary structure.
E. Site Furniture And Hardscape Elements: On file in the city are representations of the site furniture, as well as hardscape elements, that shall be installed throughout the Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus in the central park, dining court/terrace, and other pedestrian areas. Slight deviates of the site furniture are permissible; however, the intent is to provide opportunities for pedestrian intermingling, rest areas, and outdoor dining areas, etc. See exhibit B on file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor.
F. Buffer Parks: Buffer parks shall be provided as required by city code to buffer any adjoining dissimilar land use and shall be designed in accordance with the minimum berming and planting requirements of the city code. The landscaping required within the buffer parks shall be in addition to the open space landscaping required for the site. No parking lots, fences, or structures are permitted within the buffer parks. Sidewalks, trails, landscape features, pedestrian furniture, and permitted signage may be located within the buffer parks. A thirty foot (30') wide buffer park is required along the Stagecoach Drive frontage to buffer the adjacent residential land uses to the south. A minimum thirty foot (30') wide buffer park along the S. Jordan Creek Parkway frontage from Stagecoach Drive north to the first full access drive will be required at the time of any future development at the southwest corner of this site to buffer the adjacent residential land use to the west, if so designated at that time.
G. Lighting Standards: It is intended that lighting for each development within the Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus specific plan shall be designed to provide a safe environment, yet mitigate light pollution onto adjoining properties. The Wells Fargo West Des Moines Campus will have a family of light fixtures ranging from parking lot lights and roadway fixtures to pathway lights. See exhibit B of file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor.
1. All lights shall be cut-off fixtures; no wall pack or flood lighting is allowed. As part of the review of each site plan, a photometric plan must be submitted. At the time of application, the plan shall demonstrate that light levels fall at or below one foot-candle at each development's property line and shall indicate the light levels at least twenty feet (20') outside the property to confirm compliance.
2. In addition to cut-off fixtures, particular attention shall be given to eliminate hot spots or light glare. To achieve this, additional measures may include, but are not limited to, lowering parking lot light levels after business hours, turning off lights not necessary for security purposes, and use of landscaping for light screening.
3. The parking light fixtures shall be a maximum twenty five feet (25') in height, the roadway lights will be a maximum of eighteen feet (18') in height, and the pathway lights will be a maximum fourteen feet (14') in height. Bollard lighting will also be utilized for pedestrian level lighting.
H. Private Internal Roads: The design of the private internal roads and drives may include speed tables at pedestrian crossings and roundabouts to help reduce speeds on the loop road and provide safe pedestrian connections from the parking lots to the building entrances. See exhibit B on file in the city for sketches and images of the intended flavor. These speed tables and roundabouts shall be designed to fully accommodate emergency vehicle access through and around the site. All internal roads and drives shall also accommodate the turning radius needs of all fire apparatus and must be reviewed and approved by the fire department prior to installation. (Ord. 1589, 8-2-2004)