Prior to, or in conjunction with development or transfer of ownership of any portion of the specific plan, said area shall be platted in accordance with the city's subdivision ordinance to delineate within a plat the parcel to be developed or sold separately or any portion thereof. Minimum street frontage requirements may be waived by the city council provided each parcel has a minimum of fifty feet (50') of frontage onto a public or private drive with a minimum fifty foot (50') access easement of record. Lots without public street frontage in accordance with city code requirements may be allowed provided the frontage requirements of the code have been met by an abutting or surrounding lot which is under common ownership, under an owner's association with all properties within the master development plan being part of the association, or there have been cross access easements executed which provide for the unrestricted use and access of the drives for all owners within the association.
Private streets shall be constructed in accordance with public street pavement standards per the city requirements. (Ord. 1920, 5-31-2011)