The incorporation of open space/plaza areas is intended to provide a variety of large and small rest areas for the casual shopper, patrons waiting for services, break areas for employees and activity or gathering spaces for planned development events.
A. Open Space Requirements: Each site plan shall include at least one plaza, courtyard, or patio space which provides opportunities for pedestrians through activity areas, sidewalk cafes, and/or seating. The size of the outdoor space shall be proportional, as determined by the development planning and inspection manager, to the size of the building and the intended use. If, during the review of the development application, it is determined that several buildings could share in the creation of a plaza space, a detailed agreement as to the responsibilities of the applicants must be submitted. At the review of the site plan, the applicant must demonstrate how the open space/plaza area design meets the following intents:
1. Creates spaces that allow for day, and if appropriate, evening utilization by patrons and pedestrians;
2. Provides as many seating opportunities as possible through the placement of seats or integration of raised planters (seat walls);
3. Implements the appropriate measures to optimize pedestrian comfort (awnings, canopy trees, shade structures, location along building facades, etc.);
4. Is a definable and inviting space;
5. Is separated from interaction with moving vehicles; and
6. Is visually pleasing and provides elements that enrich the space. Elements shall include, but are not limited to, landscaping, alternate paving materials and colors, artwork, fountains, flowers, banners, and children's play environment.
When possible, the integration of storm drainage and detention should be designed to enhance the public space, which may include the creation of ponds, waterfalls or landscaped waterways. (Ord. 1920, 5-31-2011)