A. Streetscaping: Along all public streets or travelways, streetscape landscaping shall be provided within the first twenty five feet (25') parallel to the roadways/travelways which are not required to provide a buffer. Along all private streets or travelways, streetscape landscaping shall be provided within the first fifteen feet (15') parallel to the roadways/travelways that are not required to provide a buffer. Along that portion of parcel J as noted on the specific plan map (exhibit 2), a deviation from the twenty five foot (25') streetscape landscaping shall be allowed. Only here may the streetscape landscaping width be ten feet (10'), provided that the site layout meets the intent of the specific plan and town center overlay district, as determined by the development planning and inspection manager.
This streetscape landscaping is intended to provide a consistent design treatment that enhances the travelways. Buildings may intermittently encroach into the landscaped area; however parking lots or accessory structures may not. The plantings shall be installed with the development of each site plan. Landscaping standards are as follows:
1. To calculate the number of required plants, divide the total linear feet of street frontage by thirty (30). For every thirty feet (30'), one tree and two (2) shrubs shall be required. The landscaping may be arranged in massing or in a linear streetscape or a combination thereof.
2. No substitutions for trees may be allowed; however, perennials may be substituted for shrubs. Twenty (20) square feet of solid perennial plantings shall be considered the equivalent to two (2) shrubs.
3. Alternative concepts that meet the intent of streetscape landscaping may be allowed at the discretion of the development planning and inspection manager.
B. Parking Lot/Vehicle Use Area Landscaping: The intent of this section is to encourage extensive landscaping within parking lot areas, which tend to have the greatest negative impact on developments, and to provide breaks in what could be viewed as a "sea of parking". Whenever possible, a series of smaller parking lots/areas separated by visible green areas shall be implemented in lieu of one large parking expanse. Each area shall be landscaped and screened from views from the public streets and adjacent properties which are not part of the Galleria Development. Parking lots shall be designed to function not only in the interest of accommodating automobiles, but also in the interest of promoting safe pedestrian movement. The following parking lot landscaping standards are in addition to the required buffer park, streetscape or plaza landscaping requirements:
1. To calculate the number of required plants, divide the site's total number of proposed parking stalls by twelve (12). For every twelve (12) parking stalls, one tree and two (2) shrubs shall be required. Plants shall be located in the parking lot within the terminal islands, stall islands, landscape pods or linear islands. No substitutions are allowed for trees; however, twenty (20) square feet of solid perennial plantings shall be considered the equivalent to two (2) shrubs.
2. No parking space, within a single row of parking, shall be further than six (6) stalls from a landscape island or pod.
3. Landscape islands shall be located at the terminus end of parking rows. Islands shall be at least ten feet (10') in width by thirty eight feet (38') in length for ninety degree (90°) dual parking rows and ten feet (10') in width by seventeen feet (17') in length for single rows. A landscape pod, located within the parking rows shall be at least six feet (6') from the back of curb to the back of curb.
4. Parking lots, drive lanes and loading areas visible from the public street and adjacent properties outside of the Galleria Development shall provide appropriate screening through the use of any of the following:
a. Earthen berms which are generally three feet (3') or higher in conjunction with implementation of vegetation, except where visibility at intersections may be impacted.
b. Landscape walls:
(1) Freestanding walls implemented for screening measures shall be treated to a finished side on both sides of the wall.
(2) Walls constructed for the retainment of soil which are greater than four feet (4') in height must be designed by an individual knowledgeable and certified in structural engineering. Walls over four feet (4') shall have one and one-half feet (11/2') of horizontal terraces for every two feet (2') of exposed vertical wall face. Exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the development planning and inspection manager for unusual situations and to preserve existing vegetation or landscape features.
(3) Walls may be brick, individual decorative modular wall stone, or natural stacked wall or fieldstone. Walls composed of landscape timbers or other wood products are not desired due to the deterioration potential of the material. With approval by the development planning and inspection manager, wood walls or other material may be used in areas where views of the wall will be minimal.
(4) Vegetation shall be planted along all types of walls to soften the visual impact, visually break up long expanses of the wall and to visually anchor it to the site.
c. Screening through the implementation of predominantly evergreen materials which reach a minimum of three feet (3') in height. Vegetation implemented for screening purposes shall be implemented at a size that is larger than normal in order to accomplish immediate screening. (Ord. 1920, 5-31-2011)