Illustrative signage concepts are on file in the city. While some variation may occur between the actual built sign and the illustration, the nature and intent of the signs should be consistent with the attached illustration. Signage elements indicated in the following text as to be "at the discretion of the city" shall generally be interpreted to mean the sign administrator; however, the sign administrator shall have the authority to require a request to be reviewed and decision made by an alternate individual or approval body within the city.
All signage, including temporary signage shall require the appropriate city permits and shall adhere to the regulations established in this ordinance and/or applicable city code regarding location, duration and size.
A. Ground Signs:
1. Freestanding, Metal Framed Signs: Freestanding, metal framed signs may be allowed within the West Glen Town Center PUD, at the discretion of the city. Ground sign standards shall be used for the construction of freestanding signage as set forth within the city sign code for permitted districts, unless identified within this ordinance.
2. Temporary Freestanding Metal Framed Signs: With the exception of temporary freestanding metal frame signs, no permanent ground sign shall be located within a public utility easement. Indication of the sign locations within the associated PUD concept packet does not constitute permission to locate the sign in the indicated location if said sign conflicts with a utility easement. Existing signs in place prior to October 2010, shall be exempt from this requirement; however, in the event the sign is rebuilt, the sign shall be located in conformance to this standard. It is the developer's responsibility to verify sign locations do not conflict with public utility easements.
3. Sign Placement: Sign placement shall be such so as to not hinder site visibility of both cars and pedestrians at intersections.
4. Anchoring: All signs shall incorporate landscaping of shrubs and perennials at the base of the sign to help anchor the sign to the site and soften its presence.
5. Elevation: No berming or mounding of soil may be implemented to raise the elevation of a sign in attempt to increase its visibility. As necessary, with proper approval, retaining walls may be implemented to level ground and make a suitable sign base.
6. Directional Or Wayfinding Signs: Shall be located at least one hundred feet (100') from any entrance to the development. Signs shall generally be located at the major internal private street intersections and as identified in the specific plan. A maximum of five (5) internal directional signs for the entire PUD/specific plan shall be allowed. These signs are not intended to attract people off public streets, but to provide direction once within the site. Directional signage shall not display any corporate or trademark logos, however, the West Glen Town Center logo is allowed. The sign panel shall be no larger than forty (40) square feet total. Said signs, including the decorative elements, shall not exceed twelve feet (12') in height and five feet (5') in width.
7. Interstate Sign: One interstate sign shall be permitted for the entire West Glen Town Center PUD. The following standards shall apply to the design and location of the sign:
a. Signs shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet (20') from the interstate right of way but located within the first one hundred feet (100') parallel and adjacent to the interstate frontage. Sign shall be set back a minimum of two hundred feet (200') from the north and south perimeter PUD boundary.
b. The maximum width of any sign face shall be twelve feet (12').
c. The maximum height of sign and structure as measured to highest element shall be thirty feet (30') except in those situations in which it can be proven through an engineer's survey that the elevation at the base of the intended sign as measured at the closest edge of the travel portion of the interstate, not the elevation of on and off ramps, is lower than the roadway surface of the interstate. In this situation the height of the sign may be increased in order to achieve a maximum of thirty feet (30') of visible sign; however, in no case shall the highest element of the sign, including the structure exceed sixty feet (60') in height. The base portion of the sign used to provide elevation shall be monolithic in nature; however, up to one-third (1/3) of the base area may be open to decrease the visual mass and that surface area affected by wind loads while maintaining structural integrity. In no situation, shall the base of the sign appear as a "pole sign". Appropriate type and size of landscape vegetation shall be incorporated adjacent to the base portion of any sign which exceeds thirty feet (30') in height in order to mitigate and minimize the mass of the sign.
d. The total area of a sign shall be actual square footage of one sign face. Double faced signs may be permitted with the maximum square footage permitted each side. Multifaced signs shall not exceed two (2) times the area of a single faced sign. The maximum copy area of a sign face shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet.
e. The name of the complex or development shall be indicated within the top portion of the sign copy area. The maximum letter height for tenant identification copy on the sign shall be eighteen inches (18"). Tenant identification shall not occupy more than fifty percent (50%) of the sign and in general shall be less in copy area than the copy identifying the development name.
f. Any tenant in a building located within the West Glen Town Center PUD boundaries in which West Glen Town Center, LLC, or one of an affiliated companies (an affiliate shall be an entity which is controlled by, controlling, or under common control with West Glen Town Center, LLC) has ownership interest may be identified on an interstate sign, including tenants of buildings which do not have interstate frontage.
g. The tenant copy area shall be comprised of individually attached and illuminated letters or a panel sign sized and treated (opaque vinyl or router face) to minimize the amount of sign area that illuminates thus giving the appearance of individual letters or elements.
8. Mills Civic Parkway: No more than four (4) signs shall be located along Mills Civic Parkway. Allowed signs shall include one gateway feature or landmark sign, one development sign, one entrance sign, and one landscape monument sign. All signs shall be set back from Mills Civic Parkway right of way no less than twenty feet (20').
a. Gateway feature or landmark sign is a permanent structure or feature that creatively draws attention to or announces the development. A gateway feature or landmark may be located in the buffer park of parcel C along Mills Civic Parkway. A city of West Des Moines sign shall also be located in the buffer park of parcel C. Gateway feature or landmark signs, including the decorative elements shall not exceed twenty five feet (25') in height and ten feet (10') in width. The sign may incorporate one panel on each side of the sign to announce upcoming West Glen Town Center events, not individual tenant events. The panel shall not exceed thirty two (32) square feet and shall not be electronic in nature, although ground lighting to illuminate the panel shall be allowed. Care should be taken in placement of any ground lights to ensure that the light is directed only to its intended target and does not spill over and affect or impede driver's visibility. The sign shall display the development name and address, but may not include any tenant identification except when appropriate as part of an event announcement.
b. Entrance sign, including the decorative elements, shall not exceed a height of eleven feet (11') with the overall sign structure not exceeding seventy two (72) square feet. Said sign may display the development name, address and no more than one tenant. The development name shall be the predominate copy on the sign.
c. Development sign may be located at the intersection of Mills Civic Parkway and South Prairie View Drive. Said sign including the decorative elements shall not exceed a height of eleven feet (11'), with the overall sign structure not exceeding seventy two (72) square feet. Said sign shall display the development name and address, but shall not contain any tenant identification signage. This sign shall be set back from the ultimate right of way of both streets no less than twenty feet (20').
d. Landscape monument sign, including decorative elements, shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height with the overall sign structure not exceeding forty five (45) square feet. The copy area of the sign shall not exceed thirty five (35) square feet and shall include the development name and may include identification of up to four (4) tenants.
9. South Prairie View Drive: A maximum of three (3) signs may be located along South Prairie View Drive. Allowed signs shall include one entrance sign and up to two (2) landscape monument signs. All signs shall be set back from the South Prairie View ultimate right of way no less than twenty feet (20').
a. An entrance sign may be located at the intersection of South Prairie View Drive and Wild Rose Lane. Sign, including the decorative elements, shall not exceed eleven feet (11') with the overall sign structure not exceeding seventy two (72) square feet. Said sign may display the development name, address and no more than one tenant. Sign shall be set back from the Prairie View Drive right of way no less than twenty feet (20'). Sign setback from Wild Rose Lane shall be such so as to not hinder site visibility of both cars and pedestrians at the intersection.
b. No more than two (2) additional landscape monument signs shall be located along Prairie View Drive. Signs, including decorative elements shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height with overall sign structure not exceeding forty five (45) square feet. The copy area of the sign shall not exceed thirty five (35) square feet and shall include the development name and may include identification of areas or districts in the development and/or up to four (4) tenants.
B. Building Signage:
1. All buildings within all parcels of the West Glen Town Center, except parcels C and J, shall be allowed building wall signage which shall be calculated as follows:
a. Ground floor or single-story tenants shall be allowed one square foot of signage for every one linear foot of the tenant's longest exterior lease frontage (1:1 ratio).
b. Those tenants located on the second or higher floors shall use a ratio of one-half to one (1/2:1) square footage to linear footage.
c. Those tenants with multiple frontages shall be allowed in addition to the primary leased frontage calculation, to use one other leased exterior frontage for additional sign square footage using a ratio of one-half to one (1/2:1).
d. The total square footage shall be divided, at the tenant's discretion between the type and/or location of building signage allowed by the city code or this ordinance. Unless otherwise modified within this ordinance, signage shall conform to the sign code.
e. Any single occupancy building greater than five (5) stories in height located on parcel G shall be allowed two (2) signs with a maximum letter height of sixty inches (60") and a maximum total square footage calculated as one square foot per linear foot measured along the longest exterior side plus 0.75 square foot for each linear foot along a second frontage with a public entrance. Said signs are required to be located on the highest floor. Said signs shall not be allowed on the south elevation.
2. Building signage for parcels C and J shall be calculated at a one and one-half to one ratio (11/2:1) of the tenant's exterior leasable linear frontage. Wall signage letters shall adhere to the city code.
3. All building signage shall respect the residential tenants of West Glen Town Center by minimizing light pollution into the residential spaces.
4. Signage which displays the West Glen Town Center development's logo, initials or name may be integrated into the architecture to further enhance the character of the development, may be considered for approval as part of the site plan review. If allowed, this signage will not count toward the allowable building signage.
5. Wall signage located above a roof element may be allowed at the discretion of the city provided that the signage is located on a flat wall. For example, signage may be located on and as part of an architectural feature such as a tower. Opaque, reverse channel letters shall be used to achieve a low level halo lighting effect against the building wall. The letters shall have returns that screen the light source and shall be placed so the opening is no greater than two inches (2") between the returns and the wall.
6. Tenant signage shall be located on the exterior of the leased space. However, at the discretion of the city, signage for a tenant may be relocated to another space on the same building which reasonably neighbors the tenant space if the signage does not impede the signing ability of another tenant.
7. All wall signage shall incorporate aesthetic features compatible with the overall character of the development. All wall signs will be composed of either solid individual letters of anodized aluminum or galvanized metal or plastic attached to the building fascia, illuminated self-contained individual letters with translucent plastic faces set in anodized aluminum returns and trim or solid metal panels with routered letters illuminated by recessed cabinets. To the greatest extent possible, signs shall be contoured to minimize the excess unused area of a sign and to minimize the amount of glow.
8. "Projection signs" shall be defined as signs attached to and projecting out from a building face or wall, generally at right angles to the building. Signs may not project above the building's roofline and may not project more than four feet (4') from the building. Additional sign square footage may be allowed for projection signs at the discretion of the city; however, signs shall be proportionately sized to the building and/or tenant space. Pedestrian signs for tenant identification shall generally be eight (8) square feet in size and shall have a maximum letter size of five inches (5"). The bottom of a projecting sign located over a pedestrian pathway shall be no less than eight feet (8') from the ground. Projection signs shall be permitted within parcels H, I, J and K and shall adhere to applicable sign code standards.
9. Exposed neon, LED or fiber optic signs may be permitted within parcels H, I, J and K at the discretion of the city. These signs shall have a low light intensity with no moving or blinking lights. In general, the use of these types of lighting measures shall be limited to use as a decorative element to outline a sign or sign lettering unless otherwise approved as a primary element to a building facade.
C. Other Signage:
1. Suspended decorative banners or signs which attach to interior private light poles consisting of colors, greetings, development name, identification of development districts or areas within the development, or individual tenants may be allowed at the discretion of the city. Decorative banners must be located on a light post which is designed consistent with the structural requirements of the building code. Banners with tenant identification shall be allowed on the interior private light poles within the parking field associated only with the western side of the H-1 building (Town Center East building) and the south side of the K-1, K-2 and K-3 buildings and the north side of the K-4 and K-5 buildings within the Avenue Of The Arts. These banners shall only be for the identification of commercial tenants within these designated buildings. The tenant identification banners shall not exceed ten (10) square feet in size and shall not include more than three (3) tenant names per banner. The tenant identification banners shall be consistent in color, font type and size. Banners over vehicle pathways shall provide a minimum clearance of fifteen feet (15') from the travel surface. Banners over pedestrian pathways should be located no higher than fifteen feet (15') in height to the top of the banner and no less than eight feet (8') to the bottom of the banner. (Ord. 1887, 11-15-2010)