Whereas, title 9 of the West Des Moines city code includes chapter 9, planned unit development district (PUD) and establishes certain regulations and guidelines pertaining to accompanying information required on a plat, site plan and permitted conditional use documents.
A. General Conditions: Now, therefore, the following conditions, restrictions, and regulations are adopted as part of this approval and the following general site plan criteria shall be integrated into and made a part of the development criteria for the Lake View PUD, to wit:
1. All subdivisions, public streets, public street rights of way and general development shall adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines subdivision ordinance and the Des Moines metropolitan design standards as adopted by the city of West Des Moines pertaining thereto, unless otherwise stated within this ordinance.
2. Any regulation, standard, provision or requirement that is not specifically addressed within this document that is regulated elsewhere in the city code of West Des Moines, the requirements of the city code shall still be enforced.
3. In all areas within a 100-year frequency flood hazard zone, or adjoining drainageways or detention areas involving potential flood hazards, no building shall be erected which has a lowest floor, including basements, less than one foot (1') above the determined level of the 100-year frequency flood event or floodproofed to the same elevation in accordance with the West Des Moines floodplain ordinance, and no building shall be erected within twenty five feet (25') of any major drainage, storm water detention basin or pond.
4. The developer, their successors and assigns, if any, shall pay all construction and engineering costs for the interior development of the planned unit development, in accordance with the current city policies at the time of development, as required by this ordinance, the subdivision ordinance of the city of West Des Moines, and the Des Moines metropolitan design standards as adopted by the city of West Des Moines, for all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, drainage improvements, detention basins, water mains, buffers and other improvements within the PUD as may be required.
B. Land Use Design Criteria: In addition to the general conditions requirement stated within this document, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the development areas designated by parcel on the sketch plan. The sketch plan document, which is made a part of this document by reference elsewhere in this ordinance, delineates three (3) parcels within the PUD, each denoted with a specific parcel label, for application of specific standards of land use and development regulations. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to development within each of the individual parcels, or portion of said parcel, as applicable.
1. Parcels A And B: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, zoning of the West Des Moines city code for the professional commerce park district (PCP) shall apply to any development proposal for all property within parcels A and B as shown on the sketch plan of the Lake View PUD, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Parcels A and B shall have a minimum lot size of three (3) acres.
a. Setbacks: All building heights and setbacks within parcels A and B shall be in accordance with the setback and bulk density regulations of the West Des Moines zoning ordinance for the professional commerce park district (PCP) unless otherwise herein modified. The minimum lot width for parcels A and B shall be two hundred feet (200'). The side yard building setback between parcels A and B shall be thirty feet (30'). No side yard parking lot setback is required between lots that have parking lot interconnections and between parcels A and B, which share a common access drive. The parking lot setback from the interstate right of way line shall be five feet (5').
b. Pedestrian Trail: Parcel A shall incorporate a pedestrian trail into its design that interacts with the existing pond and this trail shall connect to the public trail along Westown Parkway.
c. Common Access Drive: In order to maintain safe and efficient traffic flow, parcels A and B shall share one common access drive off of Westown Parkway. The location of this drive should be coordinated with the property to the north. No additional drives off of Westown Parkway shall be permitted for parcels A and B.
d. Street Right Of Way: Prior to any development occurring on parcel A or B, the property shall deed to the city their full half of any additional street right of way required for Westown Parkway, as identified by the city of West Des Moines adopted comprehensive plan.
2. Parcel C: All general use regulations and provisions set forth in title 9, zoning of the West Des Moines city code for the professional commerce park district (PCP) shall apply to any development proposal for all property within parcel C as shown on the sketch plan of the Lake View PUD, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Parcel C shall incorporate a maximum net developable area of 9.2 acres. (Ord. 1488, 9-3-2002)