Improvements and modifications to adjoining public roads as identified within the traffic study shall be constructed and accepted by the City Council or the developer may petition the City Council to provide surety in lieu of public improvement acceptance prior to approval and recordation of the first final plat or the first overlay district site plan. Dedication of permanent right-of-way to accommodate public road improvements shall be provided as necessary upon request. Temporary right-of- way required during the construction/installation shall be provided as necessary.
A temporary left-in access may be constructed on South 60th Street at the cost of the developer, as long as minimum spacing and storage requirements given in the traffic study dated September 25, 2014, are satisfied. The access would need to be modified to a right in/right out, at the cost of the developer, once one of the following occurs:
• The intersection of South 60th Street and Stagecoach Drive is signalized.
• If northbound drivers are observed using the slip-left and traveling the wrong way to access Holiday Inn.
• If crashes become an issue in the future that are of a type correctable by modifying to a right in/right out.
• The City Engineer dictates the need.
A full access may be constructed on South Prairie View Drive at the existing right in/right out location at the cost of the developer, as long as northbound and southbound left turn lanes are constructed in accordance with recommendations from the traffic study dated September 25, 2014. The access may ultimately need to be modified back to its current right in/right out configuration and the left turn lanes removed on South Prairie View Drive, at the cost of the developer, if crashes or side street delay becomes an issue in the future or the City Engineer dictates the need. (Ord. 2060, 11-3-2014)