Prior to, or in conjunction with the development of any parcel, or portion of a parcel, the developer shall pay the reasonable costs associated with having a traffic report prepared that identifies the overall street improvements that will be necessary to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of traffic in and through the PUD. This statement shall not be misconstrued to indicate that the City shall bear any burden for costs of the original traffic report, or any subsequent traffic reports that are required by changes in the PUD or the comprehensive plan that modify the basic assumptions of the original traffic report. The report should identify the phasing of the improvements and the anticipated triggering points that will require additional improvements to the street system to maintain safe levels of service. As projects are submitted in the future, the developer shall have the traffic report reviewed by a traffic consultant to insure that the provisions and assumptions of the original traffic report are not negatively impacted or changed by the proposed development. A written evaluation shall be submitted to the City that shall identify what the impacts of the development of that parcel will have on the existing street system and what improvements are necessary for the safe and orderly movement of traffic in and around the area. (Ord. 1373, 6-28-1999)