A general conceptual street layout plan (on file with the Community Development Department), showing the conceptual layout of the street system within the PUD, has been submitted and approved in conjunction with this Ordinance. As the properties within the PUD are proposed to be developed, a detailed master plan shall be required for each development parcel prior to the development of any portion of the parcel. The master plan shall be designed to provide coordination of the transportation system, storm water management, flood control, buffering, and the preservation of existing vegetation and topography. Specific attention should be given to addressing future connection of major street links. The sketch plan has been phased, such that each phase of the development of the property would be master planned independent of any others. However, development of, or amendments to, later master plans shall respect the elements established in the earlier master plan(s). The master plan for each phase of development as shown on the phasing plan, and any later amendments, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Council, after receiving a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission, prior any development of any portion of the parcel.
Each master plan will serve as a more detailed guide to provisions that will be required as the varying parcels are developed. The specifics of each master plan are intended to provide unity and continuity between the various developments within the PUD. This listing of elements to be included in each master plan is not intended to be all inclusive. Other elements may need to be included to ensure the desired unity and continuity of the overall development. At a minimum, each master plan shall address the following elements:
A. Vehicle, Bike And Pedestrian Circulation Element: The circulation element of each master plan shall show the general layout and location of existing and proposed public and private streets within or adjoining the PUD in order to assure workable street patterns, grades and usable building sites. Site plans shall incorporate an internal pedestrian and bicycle trail system, if applicable, which connects to public transit and the City-wide trails system. This element shall deal with proposed land uses and how vehicle circulation, parking, pedestrian movements, etc., will be coordinated to avoid conflict and ensure the safe and orderly movement of vehicles, products and materials, bikes and pedestrians in and though the development. The integration of the trails and walkways to provide corridors and pathways to link the residential areas with Raccoon River Greenbelt system and other destinations in and around the development shall be encouraged.
B. Master Street Design And Layout: All subdivisions and streets will adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines Subdivision Ordinance and the Des Moines Metropolitan Design Standards, as adopted by the City of West Des Moines unless modified otherwise in this Ordinance.
C. Landscape And Open Space Element: The landscape element of each master plan shall identify proposed open spaces and recreational areas and any environmentally sensitive areas that should be protected and preserved as part of the development of the area. Environmental resources (trees, drainageways, natural areas, and open space, etc.) shall be preserved, wherever practical, through the design development and protection measures. Master landscaping and lighting themes should be set in the plan to ensure an image of unity and quality both day and night. Sculptures shall be encouraged as design features within commercial and industrial developments. Lighting and signage should be located, designed and directed in such a way as to not disturb adjacent uses.
D. Utility Element: In order to insure the logical and planned extension of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and water lines, an element of each master plan shall identify the proposed locations of these facilities. The possibility of municipal water well sites in the PUD shall be reviewed as part of the master planning of any portion of the PUD east of the proposed 74th Street extension.
E. Storm Water Management And Floodplain: For the purpose of establishing the requirements for this element of each master plan, the PUD will be identified as the northern portion of the PUD, which includes all areas within the PUD that are north of the existing alignment of Grand Avenue, and the southern portion, which is all areas within the PUD that are located south of the existing alignment of Grand Avenue. This division is due to the fact that the West Des Moines comprehensive plan, as adopted in 1993, identifies these areas in two (2) different subareas with different requirements.
1. The Northern Portion: This area of the property is located in the Grand Avenue subarea in the West Des Moines comprehensive plan. As part of the master planning of any portion of the property in the northern portion of the PUD, the developer shall identify natural scenic features such as mature trees, rock outcroppings, watercourses, and views and these features should be integrated into the project design. Grading should be kept to a minimum in order to preserve the natural character of the hillsides; unavoidable grading should complement the existing land forms. Each master plan for the northern portion of the PUD shall include information and/or an analysis addressing floodways, wetlands, wooded areas, and streams and tributaries as well as other natural features identified as significant. The Dallas County Conservation Board shall be notified of development proposals within this area, and requested to respond in writing concerning its comments on the proposed development. For that portion of the northern portion of the PUD that is located wholly or partially within the 100-year flood plain as identified on the most recent FEMA flood insurance rate map, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shall also be notified of development proposals and requested to respond in writing concerning its comments on the proposed development.
2. The Southern Portion: The Raccoon River Corridor is a unique and fragile resource which provides opportunities and constraints for future development. This area is located in a portion of the Raccoon River Corridor Subarea of the West Des Moines comprehensive plan. In accordance with the comprehensive plan, the Dallas County Conservation Board and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) shall be notified of development proposals within this area, and requested to respond in writing concerning its comments on the proposed development. Each master plan for the southern portion of the PUD shall include information and/or an analysis addressing floodways, wetlands, wooded areas, and streams and tributaries as well as other features identified as significant to the Raccoon River corridor. The master planning of this area should address uses for the greenbelt, including up-to-date options for recreational uses, as well as providing opportunities for pedestrian linkages to other areas, and regional recreational trails and facilities.
Any and all development proposed within the PUD shall undergo a thorough and coordinated development review prior to the initiation of any grading, construction, or alteration of the existing natural conditions on site including vegetation and tree cover, unless modified otherwise in this ordinance. (Ord. 1373, 6-28-1999)