All signage for all parcels within the PUD shall comply with the provisions of the West Des Moines Sign Code for the Support Commercial District (SC) unless noted otherwise herein. No pole sign as defined by the West Des Moines City Sign Code shall be incorporated into any development within the PUD.
Each parcel within the PUD shall be allowed ground signs in accordance with Support Commercial District (SC) regulations except one additional freestanding sign shall be allowed within Parcel D for a sign to be placed near the intersection of 60th Street and 59th Place.
All signage constructed as wall signs on building fascia within the PUD shall incorporate aesthetic features compatible with the overall character of the development. All wall signs will be composed of solid individual letters attached to the building fascia, or individual letters of anodized aluminum, galvanized metal, illuminated self-contained with translucent plastic faces set in anodized aluminum returns and trim; panel signs with letters incorporated or painted upon a panel or wall area shall be prohibited. Temporary advertising or promotional signage attached to exterior windows or walls shall be allowed only with an approved temporary signage permit issued through the Building Department under the provisions for temporary signage in the City Code. Signs with exposed neon lights, moving lights or flashing lights visible from the exterior of the building shall be prohibited. The maximum height of any individual letter within a wall sign shall not exceed six feet (6') in height except any use that occupies in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet shall be allowed to have individual letters not to exceed eight feet (8') in height.
Logo or graphic symbols associated with a tenant larger than the maximum individual letter size may be allowed with the City Council approval of such as part of the site plan approval. (Ord. 1880, 8-9-2010)