At the time a site plan or permitted conditional use permit is approved for Parcel A and/or B, the owner of Parcel A and/or B shall construct, at no cost to the City, the improvements as listed in the September 29, 1997, Osco Drug Traffic Impact Study prepared Snyder & Associates, except as provided herein, see list of improvements here below:
A. Construct left turn lanes for the north Osco Drug driveway and the commercial driveway to the north. In order to construct the left turn lanes, the existing forty nine feet (49') back to back (B/B) typical cross section of E. P. True Parkway will need to be widened and the sixty five foot (65') B/B cross section extended to the west approximately three hundred forty feet (340'). The left turn lanes should provide seventy five feet (75') of storage for traffic turning left into the proposed development for the commercial driveway to the north. A two hundred foot (200') taper will transition from the proposed sixty five foot (65') B/B cross section to the existing forty nine foot (49') B/B cross section.
B. At the intersection of E. P. True Parkway and G. M. Mills Civic Parkway the eastbound left turn lane storage length should be extended to increase the queuing capacity of the turning lane. The eastbound left turn lane should be lengthened an additional eighty five feet (85') to a total of two hundred seventy five feet (275') to eliminate potential blockage of the through lanes of travel.
C. At the intersections of G. M. Mills Civic Parkway with the south driveway and the Parcel A driveway, one hundred foot (100') left turn lanes should be constructed for traffic turning into the site.
The southern left turn lane on George M. Mills Civic Parkway for the southern drive on Parcel B shall be constructed by the owner at no cost to the City at the time: 1) a site plan or permitted conditional use permit is approved for Phase 2 of Parcel A, and/or 2) a site plan or permitted conditional use permit is approved for Parcel B of the PUD for any use, other than the expansion of existing electrical utility substations. (Ord. 1281, 12-29-1997)