The pedestrian walkway and bike trails within the PUD shall form an on-site circulation system that minimizes the conflict between pedestrians/bikes and vehicular traffic. The single- family residential developments within the Bridgewood PUD and their relationship with multi-family residential and commercial/office uses will be organized so as to promote pedestrian travel within various uses in the Bridgewood development and surrounding activity centers. That promotion will include care with respect to how the uses relate to one another, and the use of pedestrian walkways, greenbelt and open space areas. Particular emphasis shall be placed upon providing safe and convenient pedestrian access to the office and commercial areas adjoining the property to encourage the residents of the development to utilize alternative modes of transportation. Bikeways shall be provided, where possible, to link the internal open space areas with the peripheral open space areas and activity centers, including, but not limited to, the Jordan Creek Greenbelt, the future park/school site and the Village Center Commercial area. Location and design of the trail system, whether public or privately owned and maintained, should be coordinated with the West Des Moines Parks and Recreation Department. (Ord. 1322, 8-10-1998)