A. E.P. True Parkway: The minimum right of way width as required by the comprehensive plan for a minor arterial shall be dedicated to the city for that portion of E.P. True Parkway located wholly within the boundaries of the PUD. Additional right of way width may be required to be dedicated to the city if landscaped boulevards are considered. The width of the right of way, for any boulevard streets shall be determined at the time of platting. The developer shall plat the right of way and convey it to the city as a part of the plat for any parcel abutting the right of way of E.P. True Parkway. The developer shall be responsible for the paving of the equivalent of a thirty one foot (31') b/b street, including intersection improvements as required by the traffic report for the safe movement of traffic, which shall be installed as a part of the public improvements of the plat.
B. 81st Street: In accordance with the comprehensive plan, this street is considered to be a major collector. At the time that any portion of the property which abuts said right of way is platted, the developer shall provide the necessary improvements by choosing one of the two (2) options outlined as follows, unless the City Council determines that the paving of this street is premature and the issue is addressed as part of a development agreement:
As part of the Village Center subarea plan of the comprehensive plan, the alignment of 81st Street was located to be centered on the property line. If, after identifiable good-faith efforts, the developer is unable to reach an agreement, with the property owner to the west, for the appropriate right-of-way dedication and joint construction of the street, the developer may be required to dedicate the full right-of-way necessary for the construction of the street. Alternatively, at the request of the developer, the City, at its sole discretion, may initiate eminent domain procedures to acquire the necessary right-of-way with all costs incurred being the responsibility of the developer. However, the public street that is constructed, whether Option 1 or Option 2 is selected, shall be required to have two (2) travel lanes.
C. 74th Street And George M. Mills Civic Parkway: The developer of the abutting parcels shall be required to dedicate to the City the equivalent of one-half (1/2) of the minimum right-of-way width as required by the comprehensive plan for a major arterial for that portion of 74th Street and George M. Mills Civic Parkway which abut the boundaries of the PUD. Additional right-of-way width may be required to be dedicated to the City if landscaped boulevards are considered. The width of the right-of-way, for any boulevard streets shall be determined at the time of platting. The developer shall plat the right-of-way and convey it to the City as a part of the plat for any parcel abutting the right-of-way of 74th Street or George M. Mills Civic Parkway. The developer shall be responsible for the paving of the equivalent of one-half (1/2) of a thirty one foot (31') b/b street, including intersection improvements as required by the traffic report for the safe movement of traffic, which shall be installed as a part of the public improvements of the plat. In lieu of immediately constructing the improvements and with the prior approval of the City, a bond in the amount to cover said cost may be posted, or an acceptable alternative in the amount to cover said cost may be utilized, prior to the recording of the final plat for the adjacent site.
D. Northern And Southern Collectors: These streets are shown on the sketch plan and will function as minor collectors. The minimum right-of-way width as required by the comprehensive plan for a minor collector shall be dedicated to the City at the time that these streets are platted, which shall occur at the time that any adjoining property is platted. Additional right-of-way width may be required to be dedicated to the City if landscaped boulevards are considered. The width of the right-of-way, for any boulevard streets shall be determined at the time of platting. The developer shall be responsible for the paving of the equivalent of a thirty one foot (31') b/b street and associated improvements, including intersection improvements and traffic signals, as required by the traffic report for the safe movement of traffic, which shall be installed as a part of the public improvements of the plat.
All internal public streets shall be required to have a minimum of sixty feet (60') of right-of-way and with a minimum of twenty six feet (26') of paving width. The location of the intersections onto the major arterial streets abutting the PUD shall be coordinated with the alignment of streets and drives on the adjoining properties to the east and south of the PUD. (Ord. 1322, 8-10-1998)