Whereas, Title 9 of the West Des Moines City Code includes Chapter 9, PUD Planned Unit Development District and establishes certain regulations and guidelines pertaining to accompanying information required on a plat and site plan documents.
A. Now, therefore, the following conditions, restrictions, and regulations are adopted as part of this approval and the following general site plan criteria shall be integrated into and made a part of the development criteria for the Wrenwood Place PUD, to wit:
1. All subdivisions, public streets, public street rights-of-way and general development shall adhere to the standards and design criteria set forth in the West Des Moines Subdivision Ordinance and the Des Moines Metropolitan Design Standards as adopted by the City of West Des Moines pertaining thereto, unless otherwise stated within this Ordinance.
2. Any regulation, standard, provision or requirement that is not specifically addressed within this document that is regulated elsewhere in the City Code of West Des Moines, the requirements of the City Code are applicable and shall be enforced.
3. In all areas within a 100-year frequency flood hazard zone, or adjoining drainageways or detention areas involving potential flood hazards, no building shall be erected which has a lowest floor, including basements, less than one foot (1') above the determined level of the 100-year frequency flood event or floodproofed to the same elevation in accordance with the West Des Moines Floodplain Ordinance, and no building shall be erected within twenty five feet (25') of any major drainage, storm water detention basin or pond.
4. The developer, their successors and assigns, if any, shall pay all construction and engineering costs for the interior development of the planned unit development, in accordance with the current City policies at the time of development, as required by this Ordinance, the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of West Des Moines, and the Des Moines Metropolitan Design Standards as adopted by the City of West Des Moines, for all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, drainage improvements, detention basins, water mains, buffers and other improvements within the PUD as may be required.
B. Land Use Design Criteria: In addition to the general conditions as stated in subsection A above, the following land use design criteria shall apply to the development areas designated by parcel on the sketch plan. The sketch plan document which is made a part of this rezoning action per Section 038-02 of this Ordinance, delineates two (2) parcels of the PUD as Parcels A and B for application of specific standards of land use and development regulations. The following development standards and use regulations shall apply to each of the individual parcels as applicable.
1. Parcel A: All general use regulations, performance standards and provisions set forth in Title 9, Chapter 6 of the City Code for the RH Residential High Density District of the City of West Des Moines, shall apply to any development in Parcel A unless otherwise stated herein. The development of Parcel A shall be limited to residential uses, with hotels and motels being prohibited.
Parcel A, excluding the approximately nine and thirty six-hundredths (9.36) acres identified as the Jordan Creek Greenbelt Park and approximately one and sixty five-hundredths (1.65) acres of roadway, shall be a maximum of seventeen and one-half (17.5) acres in size and limited to single-family attached, townhouse units and multi-family residential units not to exceed a maximum of eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre. The maximum number of units per building shall not exceed thirty six (36) units per building for apartments and eight (8) side-by-side townhouse units or twelve (12) back-to-back townhouse units. The maximum number of dwelling units on Parcel A shall not exceed three hundred ten (310).
No building taller than two (2) stories in height shall be located closer than one hundred feet (100') to the public street right-of-way of E. P. True Parkway or 60th Street. The maximum height of any building within Parcel A shall be forty five feet (45').
a. Development Standards: Access to Parcel A from E. P. True Parkway and 60th Street shall be limited and shall be reviewed and approved by the City as part of the platting and/or site planning review process. Pedestrian access shall be provided from Parcel A to the Jordan Creek Bike Trail located north of Parcel A by the use of an independent paved or blacktopped walkway/bike path acceptable to the City's Parks Department. A minimum twenty foot (20') wide pedestrian/bike trail easement shall be established along the southern boundary of the greenbelt park and the northern boundary of developable portion of Parcel A within the delineated flood encroachment line per the City's Parks and Recreation Department requirement.
b. Landscaped Buffer: A minimum thirty five foot (35') wide landscaped buffer shall be established along 60th Street and E. P. True Parkway for the purpose of screening and buffering residential units within Parcel A from these streets. The landscaped buffer shall incorporate berming and vegetative plantings to effectively screen and buffer said units from the adjacent street with no building, internal drives, parking areas, fences or structures of any type, except permitted signage, allowed.
The greenbelt park within Parcel A as shown on the sketch plan, attached and made a part hereof, is agreed to be reserved for acquisition by the City for public and park use. The greenbelt park shall be a minimum of six (6) acres in area. The park land shall be conveyed by warranty deed free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances including all judgements, attachments, mechanics and other liens. Grading may occur within the greenbelt park as shown on the sketch plan other than areas delineated within the future flood channel for Q100 flows which shall be maintained in its natural state. Grading and excavation proposals shall be approved by the City during the preliminary platting process and shall include a reclamation plan addressing stockpiling and reuse of topsoil, erosion control measures, reseeding, and storm water management.
The method of acquisition by the City for the greenbelt park shall be by mutual agreement between the City and the developer. The agreement shall stipulate the waiving of mandatory park land dedication fees in an amount equal to the value of the greenbelt and as acceptable to both parties involved.
c. Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access shall be provided from and through Parcel A to the Jordan Creek Bike Trail located in the northern portion of Parcel A by the use of an independent paved or blacktopped walkway/bike path acceptable to the City's Parks and Recreation Department.
d. Setback: Setbacks shall be twenty feet (20') along the northern property line, provided that the design and location of the future bike/pedestrian trail is approved by the Parks and Recreation Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. If a bridge crossing is chosen, the developer shall deposit sufficient funds in an escrow account for the construction of the bridge over Jordan Creek prior to the issuance of a building permit.
2. Parcel B: All general use regulations, performance standards and provisions set forth in Title 9, Chapter 5 of the City Code for the RH Residential High Density District of the City of West Des Moines, shall apply to any development in Parcel B unless otherwise stated herein.
Parcel B shall be a maximum of nineteen (19) acres in size and limited to single-family attached, single-family detached, and townhouse units not to exceed eight (8) units per building and a maximum of eight (8) dwelling units per acre.
a. Development Standards: Access to Parcel B from E. P. True Parkway and 60th Street shall be limited and shall be reviewed and approved by the City as part of the platting and/or site planning review process.
b. Landscaped Buffer: A minimum thirty five foot (35') wide landscaped buffer shall be established along 60th Street and E. P. True Parkway for the purpose of screening and buffering residential units within Parcel B from these streets. The landscaped buffer shall incorporate berming and vegetative plantings to effectively screen and buffer said units from the adjacent street with no building, internal drives, parking areas, fences or structures of any type, except permitted signage, allowed.
c. Pedestrian Access: Pedestrian access shall be provided from Parcel B to the Jordan Creek Bike Trail located in the northern portion of Parcel A by the use of an independent paved or blacktopped walkway/bike path acceptable to the City's Parks and Recreation Department. (Ord. 1267, 9-22-1997)