A parcel of land in the southwest 1/4 of section 9, T-78N, R-25W of the 5th P.M. city of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, that is more particularly described as follows:
Commencing as a point of reference at the southeast corner of said Section 9; thence N89°58'30"W, 1483.70 feet along the south line of Section 9 to a point; thence N00°01'30"E, 33.00 feet to a point on the right-of-way (R.O.W.) line of Delavan Drive and the point of beginning; thence N89°58'30"W, 1183.65 feet along said north R.O.W. line to the south 1/4 corner of Section 9; thence S89°59'10"W, 1328.01 feet along said north R.O.W. line to the southwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 9; thence N00°07'36"E, 526.72 feet along the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of Section 9 to a point on the south R.O.W. line of the C & NW Railroad; thence S81°46'00"E, 2536.71 feet along said south R.O.W. line to a point; thence S00°01'30"W, 163.64 feet to the point of beginning and containing 19.889 acres more or less,
that part of Lot 1 not included in the above described parcel, Lot 2, Outlot "B" and Outlot "D", of said Delavan Plat 1 an official plat, now in and forming a part of the City of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa
That part of Lots 5 & 6, Country Side Plat 2, an official plat, now in and forming a part of the City of West Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa that lies within the above described parcel.
(Ord. 1430, 1-8-2001)