Architecture for multi-family development (townhomes, condominiums, and apartments) in Parcels A, B, I, J, L and O shall be acceptable to the City and accomplished in a manner compatible with the adjoining residential uses in the neighborhood. Architectural design for multi-family buildings shall attempt to express a creative presentation of exterior building materials, exterior details and texture, treatment of windows and doors, and use of angles and multiplicity of planes within the wall and roof design to lessen the plainness of appearance which can be characteristic of large residential buildings.
The architecture of the multi-family buildings in Parcel N shall be compatible with the Village Center commercial buildings in Parcel G. Architectural design will express a creative presentation of exterior materials, detailing, and texture along with the use of angles and multiplicity of planes within the wall and roof design to give an overall complexity of design exciting to the viewer. Bay windows and relief in long walls will be encouraged to add a dynamic play of light and shadow against the wall surfaces. Roof structures shall be pitched, gabled, hipped, and multi-faceted. (Ord. 1364, 6-2-1999)