A. Widen Jordan Creek Parkway to four (4) lanes, for the areas adjacent to their properties, with raised median, from Ashworth Road to the south ramp of I-80, plus dual left turn lanes at Vista Drive and left turn lanes at Office Plaza Drive, Woodland Avenue, and Ashworth Road, at the time of platting or site plan approval, whichever occurs first; (already completed)
B. Provide full access intersections only at Vista Drive, Office Plaza Drive, Woodland Avenue, and Ashworth Road (72nd Street) based on the comprehensive plan;
C. At the time the east side of Jordan Creek Parkway is platted or the first site plan is submitted for parcel E, F, or G as noted in the rezoning sketch, staff will recommend that Woodland Avenue will need to continue through between 72nd and Jordan Creek Parkway as a minor collector, per the comprehensive plan; (already completed)
D. Pay for their pro rata share of traffic signals at Ashworth Road and Office Plaza Drive (already completed) and at Woodland Avenue, subject to the contribution of the city for Woodland Avenue as set forth in the development agreement executed by the parties in 2001. Installation shall occur at such time as confirmed by warrants. Also pay their share of traffic signal modifications at Vista Drive that are required and necessitated by the traffic improvements stated in subsection A of this section. The modifications can be installed up front, or bonded for installation as warrants are met;
E. The total left turn storage for the southbound left turn lane at Woodland Avenue should be increased from one hundred seventy five feet (175') to some distance less than the three hundred twenty five feet (325'), as listed in the April 30, 1998, traffic study and to be determined by the public works department; (already completed)
F. Applicant constructing a private drive to provide a connection that shall function in the same manner as a public street between Woodland Avenue and Office Plaza Drive. (Although the private drive will be constructed as set forth below, the city will require that the drive meet city standards for curve radii and other general engineering specifications.) The location of the connection drive shall be on the eastern property line of parcel E and generally aligned on or between lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision and parcel D and parcel G of the PUD. The connection drive shall be twenty six feet (26') back to back (curb to curb) and shall be constructed to parking lot standards. The applicant shall provide a permanent, perpetual and nonexclusive public access easement to allow public access twenty four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. Parking shall be prohibited on the connection drive and parking adjacent to the connection drive shall be configured to prohibit backing onto the connection drive. Initial installation of the connection drive shall occur at the time of issuance of a building permit for parcel E of the PUD, with the connection drive to be constructed to access parcel E. Completion of the connection drive from Woodland Avenue to Office Plaza Drive shall occur upon the issuance of a building permit for either parcel G of the PUD or lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision. The applicant shall have responsibility for the maintenance of and liability for the connection drive;
G. Applicant shall provide written access agreements for parcel G of the PUD and lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision to allow access to the connection drive. Access for lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision shall be pursuant to the development agreement executed between the applicant and the owner of lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision, or in the alternative for lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision, the applicant shall execute a cross access agreement to provide access within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the eastern property line of parcel E to access lot 1, Christ's Church Subdivision. (Ord. 1601, 9-28-2004)