Prior to or in conjunction with development of any portion of the property covered by this PUD, the following plans may be required:
A. Preliminary Plat and Final Plat: Any subdivisions of any ground within the PUD shall be platted in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance and associated zoning regulations unless otherwise modified within this ordinance. Outlots within a plat shall have the proposed use clearly designated on the plat documents. Platted outlots intended for future private development must be re-platted through the preliminary and final plat process prior to physical development. Outlots intended to provide for public utilities, or publicly owned or accessible park ground, greenways, or other recreational amenities (not include private recreation based for-profit businesses) are not required to be replatted prior to development.
B. Development Applications: Site plans for development within the PUD must meet the intent of the approved PUD. Site plans (new, Major Modifications and Minor Modifications) shall be submitted to the City of West Des Moines for review and approval prior to the development or modifications to any portion of the lot. New site plans and Major Modifications for permitted uses which comply (as determined by the Director of Development Services or designee) with the development intent as set forth in this PUD will be subject to review via the City's review process and receive final approval from the City Council following a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Minor Modifications to previously approved site plans may be approved administratively when said development is in accordance with Title 9 of the City Code. Approval by the Board of Adjustment for any use designated as a Permitted Conditional (Pc) use shall occur prior to final approval of a subsequent site plan by the City Council. At the discretion of the Director of Development Services, an amendment to the PUD may be required to bring consistency between the ordinance and site plan development proposed. (Ord. 2556, 1-17-2023)