Streetscapes are intended to be ornamental in nature, bringing green to the City, shade and mitigation of heat reflection and visually softening the harshness of pavement expanses. Unless a buffer is specifically provided for elsewhere here within, a minimum thirty-foot (30') streetscape shall be required along S. Jordan Creek Parkway, Stagecoach Drive, S. 81st Street, both sides of new Booneville Road and the north side of existing Booneville Road. Streetscape vegetation requirements shall follow City Code as provided for type and number of plantings for a thirty foot (30') wide buffer. Existing trees may be credited towards provision of the streetscape plantings when an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist provides documentation confirming that the tree is high quality, a desired variety, not on the City's prohibited tree list or of an Ash variety and in a thriving condition. (Ord. 2499, 12-6-2021)