In addition to the general criteria as stated above, the following land use regulations, development standards, and design criteria shall apply to the development of all PUD parcels designated on the Sketch Plan:
Overall Residential Density: The 131.5-acre Jordan Ridge PUD shall be allowed a total of 711 residential dwelling units or generally six (6) dwelling units per acre. To aid in preserving natural areas, individual PUD parcels may exceed six (6) dwelling units per acre as long as the overall total number of dwellings allowed within the PUD is not exceeded.
A. Parcels A & D: The environmental aspects within these parcels greatly impact how much of the parcel is developable. In alignment with the overall PUD intent of preserving the environmental aspects as much as possible, multi-story, vertically attached dwellings (apartment buildings) are intended.
All bulk regulations and provisions set forth in Title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines City Code for the Residential Medium Density (RM-6) district shall apply to any development proposal within these parcels, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Only residential uses shall be allowed within the parcels.
1. Buffers/Streetscape: All views from public roadways and adjoining properties of off-street parking and negative site elements such as mechanical equipment, trash receptacles, garage doors, loading areas, etc. shall be mitigated.
a. Development directly adjacent to S. Jordan Creek Parkway is not anticipated. Any existing vegetation disturbed or removed within the first thirty feet (30') adjacent to the road right-of-way line, shall be replaced. Vegetation replacement types and numbers of trees and shrubs provided shall comply with city code requirements for a thirty-foot (30') buffer.
b. A minimum thirty foot (30') wide landscaped buffer shall be provided along the western and south boundaries of Parcels A.
c. A minimum thirty foot (30') wide landscaped buffer shall be required along the western boundary of Parcel D.
d. Buffers and perimeter setback lines shall be allowed to overlap; however, no building or paving improvements of any kind shall be located within a required buffer.
e. See Streetscape section.
f. Existing trees and shrubs may be credited towards provision of the buffer/streetscape plantings when an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist provides documentation confirming that the tree is high quality, a desired variety, not on the City's prohibited tree list or of an Ash variety and in a thriving condition. If existing vegetation is not sufficient to mitigate views of elements stated above, additional trees and shrubs shall be implemented to achieve mitigation of views.
B. Parcel B: Combined with Parcel C.
C. Parcel C: This parcel contains two ridgelines with significant slopes and much of parcel covered with trees. To capitalize on the trees and natural walk-out lots created by the slopes, and to meet the PUD intent of preserving natural areas, this parcel will be developed with single-family estate-type detached dwellings thus providing for an additional type of living option than provided within other PUD parcels and the overall area.
All general use and bulk regulations and provisions set forth in Title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines City Code for the Residential Single Family (RS-30) district shall apply to any development proposal within this parcel, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Only residential uses shall be allowed within the parcel.
1. Lot Size: The minimum lot size permitted within this development shall be thirty thousand (30,000) square feet and shall provide a minimum of one hundred (100) feet in width as measured at the building setback line.
2. Setbacks:
a. Primary Dwelling Structure: thirty-five-foot (35') front and rear yard; eight-foot (8') and twelve-foot (12') side yard setbacks. Buildings shall be set as close as possible to the thirty-five foot (35') front yard setback line to preserve as many trees as possible and minimize the grading of the site.
b. Detached Accessory Structures: Shall not be located front of the rear plane of the dwelling and shall provide a minimum seven foot (7') side and rear yard setback, except double frontage lots which have a buffer along the rear lot line shall provide a minimum thirty-five foot (35') setback.
3. Buffers:
a. A thirty-foot (30') wide buffer shall be located along S. 81st Street. The buffer and building setback line are permitted to overlap; however, the full thirty-foot (30') buffer width needs to be provided even if the required primary or detached accessory setback is less than the required buffer width. Buffer plantings consistent with city code shall be implemented prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, including temporary occupancy permit for the lots adjacent to S. 81st Street.
b. A thirty-foot (30') wide buffer shall be located along the rear lot line of any double frontage lots (front and rear lot line abut a street). The buffer and rear yard setback are not allowed to overlap: the thirty-foot (30') rear yard setback shall be measured from the interior (non-street) side of the buffer. No structures shall be located within the buffer with the exception of fencing per city code with permission by the City Council. Buffer plantings consistent with city code shall be implemented prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, including temporary occupancy permit for double frontage lots.
c. Existing trees may be credited towards provision of the buffer plantings when an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist provides documentation confirming that the tree is high quality, not on the City's prohibited tree list or of an Ash variety and in thriving condition.
4. Fire Suppression:
a. Homes that are eight thousand (8,000) square feet or larger (including garage, all livable floors including attics if used as habitable space, and all covered or enclosed structures attached or within twenty feet (20') of the dwelling) must be fire sprinklered in accordance with the West Des Moines Fire Code.
b. Homes on those lots that are all or in part located greater than seven hundred fifty feet (750') from the eastern curb of S. 81st Street must be fire sprinklered regardless of the size of the dwelling structure. The City's Fire Marshal shall have final say regarding the distance from S. 81st Street to the lot and thus whether fire sprinklering will be required for a lot.
D. Parcel E: All bulk regulations and provisions set forth in Title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines City Code for the Residential Medium Density district shall apply to any development proposal within this parcel, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance. Only residential uses shall be allowed within the parcel with a maximum of twenty-eight (28) dwelling units allowed.
1. Buffer/Streetscape: A thirty foot (30') wide buffer shall be provided along S. Jordan Creek Parkway. Existing trees may be credited towards provision of the buffer plantings when an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist provides documentation confirming that the tree is high quality, a desired variety, not on the City's prohibited tree list or of an Ash variety and in thriving condition. Areas lacking sufficient vegetation to comply with standard city code requirements shall implement additional vegetation. (Ord. 2499, 12-6-2021; amd. Ord. 2568, 7-5-2023; Ord. 2598, 2-5-2024)