In addition to the general criteria as stated above, the following land use regulations, development standards, and design criteria shall apply to the development of all areas designated on the Sketch Plan:
All general use regulations and provisions set forth in Title 9, Zoning of the West Des Moines City Code for the Residential Single Family (RS-16) district shall apply to any development proposal for the property, unless noted otherwise in this ordinance.
A. The maximum number of primary dwellings is eleven (11) for this PUD area.
B. The minimum lot size within the PUD is sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet.
C. Setbacks for all lots shall be as follows:
1. Front Yard: The minimum front yard setback for the dwelling shall be fifteen feet (15') from the back of curb of a private street; however, the garage setback from either the sidewalk or back of curb, whichever is more restrictive, shall be twenty-five feet (25').
2. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard setback for primary structures shall be twenty feet (20') measured from the property line. However, no structure or accessory structure may encroach into the tree preservation area and buffer.
3. Side Yard: The minimum side yard setbacks for primary structures shall be seven feet (7'). The north property line of Lot 4 shall be considered a side yard and provide a minimum setback of seven feet (7').
4. Detached accessory structures: Detached accessory structures cumulatively on each lot shall not exceed one thousand (1,000) gross square feet in size and shall not be located in the front yard (forward of the main plane of the dwelling). Setback from the rear yard shall be five feet (5') measured from the interior line of the perimeter buffer and the minimum setback from the side yard shall be five (5') feet.
5. Measurement of setbacks shall comply with City Code, Title 9, Chapter 7, Section 4, Set back and Density Regulations.
D. Tree Preservation and Buffer:
1. A thirty foot (30') wide area along the north, east, and south PUD perimeter boundaries will be preserved with the existing trees that are generally determined to be worthwhile by a certified arborist or landscape professional to be in good health and of a desirable species. Removal of trees will be permitted for diseased, dead, damaged, or of a species not commonly recognized as being desirable. For every two thousand (2,000) square feet of tree canopy removed from this area as measured on an aerial photograph after July 1, 2018, at least one (1) evergreen a minimum of six feet (6') tall or over-story species tree at least two inches (2") in caliper, is to be planted on the lot to mitigate the loss of canopy.
2. A thirty foot (30') buffer shall be placed along the property line adjacent to South 60th Street for those lots which have their yards abutting this property line. This is called a double frontage lot. Landscaping and berming for this buffer shall be in accordance with City Code, Title 9, Zoning, Chapter 19, Landscaping.
E. Fire Sprinklering: Homes within the PUD that are eight thousand (8,000) square feet or larger (including garages and any structure within twenty feet (20') of the dwelling) must be fire sprinklered according to the West Des Moines fire code.
F. Front Entrance Gate: if a front entrance gate is going to be used, the minimum clearance to drive through the gate will be fourteen feet (14') to allow emergency services vehicles to enter the development. A knox box, key card or other means for emergency services and West Des Moines Water Works to enter the development will need to be provided. (Ord. 2425, 8-3-2020)