If, through the design review process, including a traffic analysis, it can be demonstrated that a drive-through does not cause traffic congestion, does not cause the Linnwill Hy-Vee PUD to exceed its allocated vehicle trips, and does not interfere with pedestrian movements, a maximum of one drive-through within the PUD may be permitted, excluding the car wash. Said drive-through shall provide the minimum queuing required per Title 9, Chapter 15 of the city code for the use. Queuing for drive-up lanes shall not be permitted to interfere with traffic on any public street. The presence of drive-ups shall be visually mitigated through the use of fencing, earthen berming and/or landscape vegetation placement as appropriate. In addition, drive-through lanes shall be allowed to be a minimum of thirteen feet (13') wide. (Ord. 2423, 7-6-2020)