The intent is to create building façades throughout this development that are varied and articulated to provide visual interest to pedestrians and to establish a unique identity for the development. The architectural design of any building within this development shall be acceptable to the City. The architecture shall attempt to express a creative presentation by careful attention to exterior building materials and details, use of fenestration, and change in building mass within the plane and roof design to lessen the plainness of appearance which can be characteristic of large commercial. Building design, materials, trim, detailing, and colors shall provide continuity amongst buildings to unite all structures within the development into one project concept. All sides to each building shall receive high quality materials, finishes, and details (360° architectural treatment). Materials should be durable, economically maintained and of a quality that will maintain their appearance over time.
On file with the City are conceptual architectural illustrations of the general building style and material options. Once City approval is gained on a particular building design, any alteration in design before or during construction must be reviewed and approved by the City’s Development Services Department.
A. All buildings within this development shall accommodate or incorporate the following in building design and materials:
1. Limited use of architectural elements characteristic of prototypical architecture may be allowed at the discretion of the Director of Development Services or the appropriate reviewing and approval body. Implementation of these architectural elements shall be minimized and whenever possible modified to give a unique image to the establishment. Unmodified corporate or franchise architecture shall not be implemented unless it reinforces the design theme identified for the Westowne Shopping Center PUD.
2. Buildings shall be organized to create a logical and identifiable relationship with the site and other buildings, open spaces, and pedestrian circulation paths.
3. The use of building articulation and materials which break up the building mass into modules that respect a pedestrian scale and reflects proportions similar to other buildings within the development.
4. The building’s design should meet context and site objectives such as providing gateways, creating visual and physical linkages and framing or terminating views.
5. Variation in building height, mass and roof forms shall be provided to create interest while still maintaining an overall building continuity. Roofs should not be designed as attention-getting devices related to the reinforcement of signage. Roof forms or tower elements that are an identifiable corporate image should reinforce the design theme identified for the Westowne Shopping Center PUD.
6. Entrances into buildings should be easily identified through the use of building design and detailing. Projected or recessed entryways, changes in rooflines, addition of awnings or changes in building material are examples that can create this effect. Shifts in building planes/facades and variation in exterior materials shall be incorporated to minimize long expanses of wall. Long blank walls shall be prohibited.
7. Variation in materials, material modules, expressed joints, textures, colors and details should be used to break up the mass of the buildings. Materials should change with the change in building planes.
8. Trim and structural elements such as posts or columns shall be sized to the scale of the building and detailed appropriately to the theme. Parapets and other building elements which extend above rooflines shall be of adequate depth to provide visual structural integrity. The backs of any visible architectural element shall be finished with the same materials and treatments as the other sides of the architectural element.
9. Whenever possible, ground floor tenant areas should provide the maximum possible glazing toward sidewalks to provide pedestrians with visual interest. Use of reflective glass or mirrored glass is discouraged. Efforts should be made to use clear glass on storefronts, windows and doors to promote the linkage of the interior and exterior of buildings.
10. Durable materials such as brick, stone, architectural precast or concrete masonry units shall be used as the major elements of all building facades. Metal or composite materials may be incorporated in the design as major exterior materials as acceptable to the City. All composite panel or metal cladding must have concealed fasteners. All exposed edges must have a fully finished edge or be terminated with trim. Trim for the panels should be finished with the same color as the panel or be consistent in detail and color throughout the center. Concrete products used in new construction shall have integrated color rather than surface applied paint/staining and should have a textured finish for interest; smooth finish concrete products may be used in conjunction with texture for accent purposes. Vinyl products shall be prohibited. The use of EIFS or synthetic stucco shall be used in limited quantities and primarily as an accent or trim material; located only on the upper portions of the facades and cannot be the predominate building material.
11. The appropriate measure to fully screen undesirable building elements, mechanical (both ground and rooftop mounted) and electrical equipment, including electrical transformers and meters shall be implemented. When feasible, screening measures shall be incorporated into the building architecture through the use of wing walls, raised parapets, etc. using compatible materials to the main building design.
12. Canopies: Drop off and other drive-through canopies must be designed to incorporate the building’s architecture through the use of similar building materials, roof design and color, with posts or columns sized to the scale of the canopy. When possible, canopies should be designed as an extension of the building rather than an added-on element.
B. New buildings or building additions within this development shall accommodate or incorporate the following in building design and materials:
1. Material Quality and Detail: All sides to each building are to receive high quality materials and finishes (360 degree architectural treatment). There are no “backs” to a building.
2. Shifts in building planes/facades and variation in exterior materials shall be incorporated to minimize long expanses of wall. Long blank walls are prohibited unless mitigated with the following design elements:
a. Vegetation in front of the wall (such as a trellis with climbing vines or other planted materials like trees and shrubs);
b. Incorporation of decorative or accent fenestration (openings do not need to read through to the interior) or other architectural features;
c. Employ small changes in building footprint and massing such as: projections or indentations with associated variation in wall height organized with changes in material, addition of roof or awning projections, covered outdoor areas such as porches or decks or independent structures such as pergolas or canopies to break up the wall’s surface. (Ord. 2485, 8-2-2021)