Unless otherwise provided within this ordinance, the site shall comply with provisions and regulations stated in Chapter 19, Landscaping within title 9 of city code. As a general rule, the maximum possible amount of “green” (unpaved areas and vegetation) should be provided within the development. Details regarding specific varieties, exact quantities, and the minimum size at time of planting shall be provided and approved as part of a new site plan or site plan modification submittal and shall meet the general guidelines in respect to the minimum plant sizes traditionally applied to development within the city. Vegetation required for one purpose shall be in addition to vegetation required for another purpose, e.g., vegetation to achieve parking lot screening is in addition to vegetation that is part of open space requirements. The following landscape and mitigation of views of negative elements shall apply:
A. Open Space: Open space shall be considered those areas unencumbered by buildings and vehicle use drives, loading docks, and off-street parking areas. Vegetated parking lot islands and tree pods may be counted towards required open space. Open Space vegetation shall be provided at a rate of two (2) trees and three (3) shrubs for every 3,000 square feet of required open space.
As of the June 2021, this site is providing 21% open space with the majority of the open space being provided along the western property boundary which is generally not visible to the general public when within the development, as well as when passing by on the adjacent roadways. Unpaved terminal and linear parking lot islands and tree pods are critical to increasing the amount of visible open space and green provided within this site. Ultimately, this site shall be required to provide a minimum of 23% of the site as open space. This will be achieved with the required provision of a minimum of 25% open space within any new lots created, as well as transforming currently paved terminal islands to vegetative islands and incorporating as much as possible, new terminal and linear islands and tree pods. Details of the timing of implementation of respective parking lot improvements is outline in the Parking section contained within this ordinance.
B. Parking Lot Screening: Vegetation necessary to mitigate views of parking areas from adjoining roadways and properties outside of the Westowne Shopping Center property shall be provided. Views of parking shall be mitigated through the implementation of vegetation with or without earthen berming to a minimum height of three feet (3'). Vegetation shall be located on private property whenever possible except that vegetation may be located within the city owned right of way along Westown Parkway or 22nd Street with city approval of a planting plan. Said vegetation within the right of way shall be limited to shrubs and understory trees: no large overstory or coniferous trees shall be allowed. As much as possible, shrubs shall be of a coniferous variety to provide year-round screening. Parking lot screening shall be implemented by the end of year 2023.
C. Streetscape: A landscaped edge or streetscape intended to bring needed green to the city, shade and visually soften pavement expanses is desired along all roadways upon which the public is permitted to travel. The streetscape is intended to be ornamental in nature and there are no minimum vegetation requirements; however, landscaping placed along a roadway may be counted toward fulfilling open space landscape vegetation requirements. Due to the limited open space and lack of vegetated parking lot islands and pods, trees are desired, although not required, along 22nd Street and Westown Parkway. As indicated previously, trees located along Westown Parkway may be located within city right-of-way but must be of an understory variety.
D. Negative Site Elements: Adequate mitigation of views of undesirable site elements such as, but not limited to loading docks, service areas, garbage or recycling dumpsters, transformers, utility meters, mechanical equipment, etc. shall be achieved.
1. Mechanical Equipment: Ground, wall mounted, and roof mounted equipment shall be visually screened in accordance with the following:
a. At the time of installation of new equipment.
b. At the time of replacement of existing equipment.
c. At time of façade improvements adjacent to existing equipment.
d. Ground and wall mounted equipment may be screened via the implementation of vegetation of a coniferous variety of adequate height to achieve screening at time of implementation or via architectural components such as screen walls comprised of the materials and colors consistent or compatible to the surrounding façade to the equipment.
e. Roof mounted equipment that is visible from an adjoining roadway or property outside of the Westowne Shopping Center development shall be screened by architecturally integrated measures consistent and compatible to the primary building façade colors and materials.
2. Dumpster Enclosures: Enclosures shall be required for all refuse containers on site, including cardboard recycling and restaurant grease receptacles. Said enclosures shall be designed and constructed consistent with Chapter 10, Performance Standards provided within title 9 of city code. Required enclosures shall be constructed in conjunction with facade improvements of the tenant spaces which utilize said trash, cardboard or grease receptacles or within two (2) years of the adoption of this ordinance, whichever occurs first.
E. Buffers: A buffer shall be provided along the west property boundary to screen views from the property immediately to the west of the back of the primary building, parking areas, loading docks and service areas. There shall be no minimum width requirement to this buffer; however, proof of visual screening achievement must be demonstrated through existing and /or new vegetation and/or topography. In the event that vegetation dies or is otherwise removed, replacement trees and shrubs in the same numbers and type in a size as typically required per Chapter 19, Section 8 shall be installed, or vegetation numbers and types consistent with that required by code for a 30' wide buffer shall be provided. Achievement of buffering as outlined herein shall occur within two (2) years of adoption of this ordinance. In the event that existing vegetation is removed to accommodate a regional storm water detention facility that benefits more than the Westowne Shopping Center property, any replacement of the vegetation necessary for buffering shall be the responsibility of the City. (Ord. 2485, 8-2-2021)