The provision of adequate buffering and landscaping shall be more thoroughly evaluated and approved as part of the site plan approval process. Additional buffer and landscaping may be required at that time in response to additional details of the use, buildings, parking, loading docks, mechanical equipment, etc. to be implemented.
A. Buffers shall be provided along the perimeter boundaries as follows:
1. Parcel A:
a. South: Minimum forty feet (40') from property line. Existing landscaping shall be preserved in the south ten feet (10') of the buffer area.
b. North, East and West: No buffers between internal PUD parcels shall be required except to mitigate undesirable site elements and views and to provide for desirable streetscapes.
2. Parcel B:
a. West - minimum fifteen feet (15') from property line
b. South - minimum forty feet (40') from property line. Existing landscaping shall be preserved in the south ten feet (10') of the buffer area.
c. North and East: No buffers required except to mitigate undesirable site elements and views and to provide for desirable streetscapes.
3. Parcel C:
a. West: Minimum forty feet (40') from property line
b. North, South, and East: No buffers between internal PUD parcels shall be required except to mitigate undesirable site elements and views and to provide for desirable streetscapes.
4. Parcel E: A minimum thirty feet (30') buffer along the west property line shall be provided adjacent to any new detached accessory structures developed after the adoption of the ordinance.
B. The implementation of vegetation as indicated below shall be required. An earthen berm with a minimum height of six feet (6') shall be implemented along the south property line of parcels A and B and the west property line of parcel C to enhance buffering and screening of otherwise negative site elements and to aid in ensuring year-round screening for abutting single family residential properties. A six-foot (6') solid privacy fence shall be provided within the 40' buffer along the south property line of Parcel B. Buffers should be designed to achieve the maximum amount of screening from the maximum number of viewpoints with vegetation layered to ensure adequate blockage of views and to create depth and a sense of naturalness. Care should be taken to ensure that ‘thru-views’ under tree canopies are adequately blocked.
1. The minimum vegetation within required buffers shall be provided as follows. Buffers shall be so designed to serve as a visual continuation of existing adjacent buffers and/or as a unifying element within the development.
a. Forty Foot (40') Buffer:
(1) One (1) overstory tree and two (2) ornamental or evergreen trees, and six (6) shrubs shall be provided per thirty-five (35) lineal feet of required buffer.
b. Fifteen Foot (15') Buffer:
(1) One (1) overstory tree shall be provided per thirty-five (35) lineal feet of required buffer. No substitution of the number of over story trees shall be permitted.
2. Vegetation substitution:
a. Two (2) ornamental trees, one (1) evergreen tree, or six (6) shrubs may be substituted for one required overstory tree; however, no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the required number of overstory trees may be substituted.
b. A twenty-five (25) square foot mass planting of perennials or ornamental grasses may be substituted for three (3) shrubs.
3. Landscape vegetation required within buffer areas is in addition to the landscape vegetation required of open space, parking areas, and that necessary to achieve adequate visual mitigation of undesirable site elements and views. (Ord. 2445, 10-19-2020; amd. Ord. 2476, 6-21-2021)